ui/drag_and_drop/drag_target library


Draggable<T extends Object>
A widget that can be dragged from to a DragTarget.
Represents the details when a specific pointer event occurred on the Draggable.
DragTarget<T extends Object>
A widget that receives data when a Draggable widget is dropped.
Represents the details when a pointer event occurred on the DragTarget.
LongPressDraggable<T extends Object>
Makes its child draggable starting from long press.


childDragAnchorStrategy(Draggable<Object> draggable, BuildContext context, Offset position) Offset
Display the feedback anchored at the position of the original child.
pointerDragAnchorStrategy(Draggable<Object> draggable, BuildContext context, Offset position) Offset
Display the feedback anchored at the position of the touch that started the drag.


DragAnchorStrategy = Offset Function(Draggable<Object> draggable, BuildContext context, Offset position)
Signature for the strategy that determines the drag start point of a Draggable.
DragEndCallback = void Function(DraggableDetails details)
Signature for when the draggable is dropped.
DraggableCanceledCallback = void Function(Velocity velocity, Offset offset)
Signature for when a Draggable is dropped without being accepted by a DragTarget.
DragTargetAccept<T> = void Function(T data)
Signature for causing a DragTarget to accept the given data.
DragTargetAcceptWithDetails<T> = void Function(DragTargetDetails<T> details)
Signature for determining information about the acceptance by a DragTarget.
DragTargetBuilder<T> = Widget Function(BuildContext context, List<T?> candidateData, List rejectedData)
Signature for building children of a DragTarget.
DragTargetLeave<T> = void Function(T? data)
Signature for when a Draggable leaves a DragTarget.
DragTargetMove<T> = void Function(DragTargetDetails<T> details)
Signature for when a Draggable moves within a DragTarget.
DragTargetWillAccept<T> = bool Function(T? data)
Signature for determining whether the given data will be accepted by a DragTarget.
DragUpdateCallback = void Function(DragUpdateDetails details)
Signature for when a Draggable is dragged across the screen.