copyWith method

I18n copyWith({
  1. I18nPaintEditor? paintEditor,
  2. I18nVarious? various,
  3. I18nLayerInteraction? layerInteraction,
  4. I18nTextEditor? textEditor,
  5. I18nFilterEditor? filterEditor,
  6. I18nTuneEditor? tuneEditor,
  7. I18nBlurEditor? blurEditor,
  8. I18nEmojiEditor? emojiEditor,
  9. I18nStickerEditor? stickerEditor,
  10. I18nCropRotateEditor? cropRotateEditor,
  11. String? doneLoadingMsg,
  12. String? importStateHistoryMsg,
  13. String? cancel,
  14. String? undo,
  15. String? redo,
  16. String? done,
  17. String? remove,

Creates a copy of this I18n object with the given fields replaced with new values.

The copyWith method allows you to create a new instance of I18n with some properties updated while keeping the others unchanged.


I18n copyWith({
  I18nPaintEditor? paintEditor,
  I18nVarious? various,
  I18nLayerInteraction? layerInteraction,
  I18nTextEditor? textEditor,
  I18nFilterEditor? filterEditor,
  I18nTuneEditor? tuneEditor,
  I18nBlurEditor? blurEditor,
  I18nEmojiEditor? emojiEditor,
  I18nStickerEditor? stickerEditor,
  I18nCropRotateEditor? cropRotateEditor,
  String? doneLoadingMsg,
  String? importStateHistoryMsg,
  String? cancel,
  String? undo,
  String? redo,
  String? done,
  String? remove,
}) {
  return I18n(
    paintEditor: paintEditor ?? this.paintEditor,
    various: various ?? this.various,
    layerInteraction: layerInteraction ?? this.layerInteraction,
    textEditor: textEditor ?? this.textEditor,
    tuneEditor: tuneEditor ?? this.tuneEditor,
    filterEditor: filterEditor ?? this.filterEditor,
    blurEditor: blurEditor ?? this.blurEditor,
    emojiEditor: emojiEditor ?? this.emojiEditor,
    stickerEditor: stickerEditor ?? this.stickerEditor,
    cropRotateEditor: cropRotateEditor ?? this.cropRotateEditor,
    doneLoadingMsg: doneLoadingMsg ?? this.doneLoadingMsg,
        importStateHistoryMsg ?? this.importStateHistoryMsg,
    cancel: cancel ?? this.cancel,
    undo: undo ?? this.undo,
    redo: redo ?? this.redo,
    done: done ?? this.done,
    remove: remove ?? this.remove,