I18n class

The I18n class provides internationalization settings for the image editor and its components. It includes translations and messages for various parts of the editor.


I18n i18n = I18n(
  various: I18nVarious(
    // Define various translations...
  paintEditor: I18nPaintEditor(
    // Define paint editor translations...
  textEditor: I18nTextEditor(
    // Define text editor translations...
  cropRotateEditor: I18nCropRotateEditor(
    // Define crop and rotate editor translations...
  filterEditor: I18nFilterEditor(
    // Define filter editor translations...
  blurEditor: I18nBlurEditor(
    // Define blur editor translations...
  emojiEditor: I18nEmojiEditor(
    // Define emoji editor translations...
  cancel: 'Cancel',
  undo: 'Undo',
  redo: 'Redo',
  done: 'Done',
  doneLoadingMsg: 'Changes are being applied',


  • various: Translations and messages for various parts of the editor.

  • paintEditor: Translations and messages specific to the paint editor.

  • textEditor: Translations and messages specific to the text editor.

  • cropRotateEditor: Translations and messages specific to the crop and rotate editor.

  • filterEditor: Translations and messages specific to the filter editor.

  • blurEditor: Translations and messages specific to the blur editor.

  • emojiEditor: Translations and messages specific to the emoji editor.

  • cancel: The text for the "Cancel" button.

  • undo: The text for the "Undo" action.

  • redo: The text for the "Redo" action.

  • done: The text for the "Done" action.

  • remove: The text for the "Remove" action.

  • doneLoadingMsg: The message displayed when changes are being applied.

Example Usage:

I18n i18n = I18n(
  various: I18nVarious(
    // Define various translations...
  paintEditor: I18nPaintEditor(
    // Define paint editor translations...
  // Access other translations and messages...

String cancelText = i18n.cancel;
String undoText = i18n.undo;
// Access other translations and messages...


I18n({I18nLayerInteraction layerInteraction = const I18nLayerInteraction(), I18nPaintEditor paintEditor = const I18nPaintEditor(), I18nTextEditor textEditor = const I18nTextEditor(), I18nCropRotateEditor cropRotateEditor = const I18nCropRotateEditor(), I18nTuneEditor tuneEditor = const I18nTuneEditor(), I18nFilterEditor filterEditor = const I18nFilterEditor(), I18nBlurEditor blurEditor = const I18nBlurEditor(), I18nEmojiEditor emojiEditor = const I18nEmojiEditor(), I18nStickerEditor stickerEditor = const I18nStickerEditor(), I18nVarious various = const I18nVarious(), String importStateHistoryMsg = 'Initialize Editor', String cancel = 'Cancel', String undo = 'Undo', String redo = 'Redo', String done = 'Done', String remove = 'Remove', String doneLoadingMsg = 'Changes are being applied'})
Creates an instance of I18n with customizable internationalization settings.


blurEditor I18nBlurEditor
Translations and messages specific to the blur editor.
cancel String
Text for the "Cancel" action.
cropRotateEditor I18nCropRotateEditor
Translations and messages specific to the crop and rotate editor.
done String
Text for the "Done" action.
doneLoadingMsg String
Message displayed while changes are being applied.
emojiEditor I18nEmojiEditor
Translations and messages specific to the emoji editor.
filterEditor I18nFilterEditor
Translations and messages specific to the filter editor.
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
importStateHistoryMsg String
Message displayed during the import of state history. If the text is empty, no loading dialog will be shown.
layerInteraction I18nLayerInteraction
Translations and messages for layer interactions.
paintEditor I18nPaintEditor
Translations and messages specific to the paint editor.
redo String
Text for the "Redo" action.
remove String
Text for the "Remove" action.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
stickerEditor I18nStickerEditor
Translations and messages specific to the sticker editor.
textEditor I18nTextEditor
Translations and messages specific to the text editor.
tuneEditor I18nTuneEditor
Translations and messages specific to the tune editor.
undo String
Text for the "Undo" action.
various I18nVarious
Translations and messages for various parts of the editor.


copyWith({I18nPaintEditor? paintEditor, I18nVarious? various, I18nLayerInteraction? layerInteraction, I18nTextEditor? textEditor, I18nFilterEditor? filterEditor, I18nTuneEditor? tuneEditor, I18nBlurEditor? blurEditor, I18nEmojiEditor? emojiEditor, I18nStickerEditor? stickerEditor, I18nCropRotateEditor? cropRotateEditor, String? doneLoadingMsg, String? importStateHistoryMsg, String? cancel, String? undo, String? redo, String? done, String? remove}) I18n
Creates a copy of this I18n object with the given fields replaced with new values.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.