LayerInteractionManager class

A helper class responsible for managing layer interactions in the editor.

The LayerInteractionManager class provides methods for handling various interactions with layers in an image editing environment, including scaling, rotating, flipping, and zooming. It also manages the display of helper lines and provides haptic feedback when interacting with these lines to enhance the user experience.




baseAngleFactor double
The base angle factor for the editor.
getter/setter pair
baseScaleFactor double
The base scale factor for the editor.
getter/setter pair
deviceCanCustomVibrate bool
Flag indicating if the device can perform custom vibration.
getter/setter pair
deviceCanVibrate bool
Flag indicating if the device can vibrate.
getter/setter pair
enabledHitDetection bool
Enables or disables hit detection. When true, allows detecting user interactions with the painted layer.
getter/setter pair
freeStyleHighPerformance bool
no setter
freeStyleHighPerformanceEditorZoom bool
Controls high-performance for layers when editor zoom.
getter/setter pair
freeStyleHighPerformanceHero bool
Controls high-performance hero animation for free-style drawing. When true, enables optimized hero-animation for improved performance.
getter/setter pair
freeStyleHighPerformanceMoving bool
Controls high-performance moving for free-style drawing. When true, enables optimized moving for improved performance.
getter/setter pair
freeStyleHighPerformanceScaling bool
Controls high-performance scaling for free-style drawing. When true, enables optimized scaling for improved performance.
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
hitSpan double
Span for detecting hits on layers.
hoverRemoveBtn bool
Flag indicating if the remove button is hovered.
getter/setter pair
lastPositionX LayerLastPosition
Last recorded X-axis position for layers.
getter/setter pair
lastPositionY LayerLastPosition
Last recorded Y-axis position for layers.
getter/setter pair
rotateScaleLayerScaleHelper double?
Helper variable for scaling during rotation of a layer.
getter/setter pair
rotateScaleLayerSizeHelper Size?
Helper variable for storing the size of a layer during rotation and scaling operations.
getter/setter pair
rotationHelperLineDeg double
Rotation angle of the rotation helper line.
getter/setter pair
rotationHelperLineX double
X-coordinate of the rotation helper line.
getter/setter pair
rotationHelperLineY double
Y-coordinate of the rotation helper line.
getter/setter pair
rotationStartedHelper bool
Flag indicating if rotation helper lines have started.
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
scaleDebounce Debounce
Debounce for scaling actions in the editor.
getter/setter pair
selectedLayerId String
The ID of the currently selected layer.
getter/setter pair
showHelperLines bool
Flag indicating if helper lines should be displayed.
getter/setter pair
showHorizontalHelperLine bool
Flag indicating if horizontal helper lines should be displayed.
getter/setter pair
showRotationHelperLine bool
Flag indicating if rotation helper lines should be displayed.
getter/setter pair
showVerticalHelperLine bool
Flag indicating if vertical helper lines should be displayed.
getter/setter pair
snapLastRotation double
Last recorded rotation angle during snapping.
getter/setter pair
snapStartPosX double
X-coordinate where snapping started.
getter/setter pair
snapStartPosY double
Y-coordinate where snapping started.
getter/setter pair
snapStartRotation double
Initial rotation angle when snapping started.
getter/setter pair


calculateInteractiveButtonScaleRotate({required double editorScaleFactor, required Offset editorScaleOffset, required ProImageEditorConfigs configs, required ScaleUpdateDetails details, required Layer activeLayer, required Size editorSize, required bool configEnabledHitVibration, required ThemeLayerInteraction layerTheme}) → dynamic
Calculates scaling and rotation based on user interactions.
calculateMovement({required double editorScaleFactor, required BuildContext context, required ScaleUpdateDetails detail, required Layer activeLayer, required bool configEnabledHitVibration, required GlobalKey<State<StatefulWidget>> removeAreaKey, required dynamic onHoveredRemoveChanged(bool)}) → dynamic
Calculates movement of a layer based on user interactions, considering various conditions such as hit areas and screen boundaries.
calculateScaleRotate({required double editorScaleFactor, required ProImageEditorConfigs configs, required ScaleUpdateDetails detail, required Layer activeLayer, required Size editorSize, required EdgeInsets screenPaddingHelper, required bool configEnabledHitVibration}) → dynamic
Calculates scaling and rotation of a layer based on user interactions.
checkRotationLine({required Layer activeLayer, required Size editorSize, required bool configEnabledHitVibration}) → dynamic
Checks the rotation line based on user interactions, adjusting rotation accordingly.
flipLayer({required Layer layer, required bool flipX, required bool flipY, required bool isHalfPi, required double imageWidth, required double imageHeight}) → void
Flip a layer horizontally or vertically.
layersAreSelectable(ProImageEditorConfigs configs) bool
Determines if layers are selectable based on the configuration and device type.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
onScaleEnd() → dynamic
Handles cleanup and resets various flags and states after scaling interaction ends.
rotateLayer({required Layer layer, required bool beforeIsFlipX, required double newImgW, required double newImgH, required double rotationScale, required double rotationRadian, required double rotationAngle}) → void
Rotate a layer.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
zoomedLayer({required Layer layer, required double scale, required double scaleX, required double oldFullH, required double oldFullW, required double pixelRatio, required Rect cropRect, required bool isHalfPi}) bool
Handles zooming of a layer.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.