zoomedLayer method

bool zoomedLayer({
  1. required Layer layer,
  2. required double scale,
  3. required double scaleX,
  4. required double oldFullH,
  5. required double oldFullW,
  6. required double pixelRatio,
  7. required Rect cropRect,
  8. required bool isHalfPi,

Handles zooming of a layer.

This method calculates the zooming of a layer based on the specified parameters. It checks if the layer should be zoomed and performs the necessary transformations.

Returns true if the layer was zoomed, otherwise false.


bool zoomedLayer({
  required Layer layer,
  required double scale,
  required double scaleX,
  required double oldFullH,
  required double oldFullW,
  required double pixelRatio,
  required Rect cropRect,
  required bool isHalfPi,
}) {
  var paddingTop = cropRect.top / pixelRatio;
  var paddingLeft = cropRect.left / pixelRatio;
  var paddingRight = oldFullW - cropRect.right;
  var paddingBottom = oldFullH - cropRect.bottom;

  // important to check with < 1 and >-1 cuz crop-editor has rounding bugs
  if (paddingTop > 0.1 ||
      paddingTop < -0.1 ||
      paddingLeft > 0.1 ||
      paddingLeft < -0.1 ||
      paddingRight > 0.1 ||
      paddingRight < -0.1 ||
      paddingBottom > 0.1 ||
      paddingBottom < -0.1) {
    var initialIconX = (layer.offset.dx - paddingLeft) * scaleX;
    var initialIconY = (layer.offset.dy - paddingTop) * scaleX;
    layer.offset = Offset(

    layer.scale *= scale;
    return true;
  return false;