calculateScaleRotate method

dynamic calculateScaleRotate({
  1. required double editorScaleFactor,
  2. required ProImageEditorConfigs configs,
  3. required ScaleUpdateDetails detail,
  4. required Layer activeLayer,
  5. required Size editorSize,
  6. required EdgeInsets screenPaddingHelper,
  7. required bool configEnabledHitVibration,

Calculates scaling and rotation of a layer based on user interactions.


  required double editorScaleFactor,
  required ProImageEditorConfigs configs,
  required ScaleUpdateDetails detail,
  required Layer activeLayer,
  required Size editorSize,
  required EdgeInsets screenPaddingHelper,
  required bool configEnabledHitVibration,
}) {
  _activeScale = true;

  activeLayer.scale = baseScaleFactor * detail.scale;
  _setMinMaxScaleFactor(configs, activeLayer);
  activeLayer.rotation = baseAngleFactor + detail.rotation;

  if (editorScaleFactor == 1) {
      activeLayer: activeLayer,
      editorSize: editorSize,
      configEnabledHitVibration: configEnabledHitVibration,

  scaleDebounce(() => _activeScale = false);