getLatestVersion method

Future<Uint8List?> getLatestVersion([
  1. DateTime? modifiedSince

Getting the Latest Version of a Pass

Requests the latest version of the current PkPass file

modifiedSince should be provided in order to support "304 Not Modified"


Future<Uint8List?> getLatestVersion([DateTime? modifiedSince]) async {
  final identifier = metadata.passTypeIdentifier;
  final serial = metadata.serialNumber;
  final endpoint = '/$_apiVersion/passes/$identifier/$serial';

  final response = await httpClient.get(
    Uri.parse(webService.webServiceURL.toString() + endpoint),
    headers: {
      if (modifiedSince != null)
        'If-Modified-Since': HttpDate.format(modifiedSince),
      'Authorization': 'ApplePass ${webService.authenticationToken}',
  switch (response.statusCode) {
    case 200:
      return response.bodyBytes;
    case 304:
      return null;
      throw WebServiceResponseError(response);