parser library

This package contains the standard parser implementations.


The and-predicate, a parser that succeeds whenever its delegate does, but does not consume the input stream Parr 1994, 1995.
A parser that accepts any input element.
CastListParser<T, R>
A parser that casts a Result<List> to a Result<List<R>>.
CastParser<T, R>
A parser that casts a Result to a Result<R>.
Parser class for individual character classes.
Abstract character predicate class.
A parser that uses the first parser that succeeds.
ContinuationParser<T, R>
Continuation parser that when activated captures a continuation function and passes it together with the current context into the handler.
DelegateParser<T, R>
An abstract parser that delegates to a parser of type T.
A parser that succeeds at the end of input.
A parser that consumes nothing and succeeds.
A parser that consumes nothing and fails.
A parser that discards the result of the delegate and answers the sub-string its delegate consumes.
A greedy repeating parser, commonly seen in regular expression implementations. It aggressively consumes as much input as possible and then backtracks to meet the 'limit' condition.
Interface of a parser that has a debug label.
A parser that always defers to its delegate, but that also holds a label for debugging purposes.
A lazy repeating parser, commonly seen in regular expression implementations. It limits its consumption to meet the 'limit' condition as early as possible.
An abstract parser that repeatedly parses between 'min' and 'max' instances of its delegate and that requires the input to be completed with a specified parser 'limit'. Subclasses provide repeating behavior as typically seen in regular expression implementations (non-blind).
ListParser<T, R>
Abstract parser that parses a list of things in some way.
MapParser<T, R>
A parser that performs a transformation with a given function on the successful parse result of the delegate.
The not-predicate, a parser that succeeds whenever its delegate does not, but consumes no input Parr 1994, 1995.
A parser that optionally parsers its delegate, or answers null.
A parser that uses a Pattern matcher for parsing.
A parser that performs a transformation with a given function on the successful parse result of the delegate.
A parser that performs a transformation with a given function on the successful parse result of the delegate.
A parser that reports the current input position.
A greedy parser that repeatedly parses between 'min' and 'max' instances of its delegate.
A parser for a literal satisfying a predicate.
An abstract parser that repeatedly parses between 'min' and 'max' instances of its delegate.
Interface of a parser that can be resolved to another one.
A parser that parses a sequence of parsers.
A parser that is not defined, but that can be set at a later point in time.
A parser that creates a token of the result its delegate parses.
A parser that silently consumes input of another parser around its delegate.


unbounded → const int
An int used to mark an unbounded maximum repetition.


any([String message = 'input expected']) Parser<String>
Returns a parser that accepts any input element.
anyOf(String chars, [String? message]) Parser<String>
Returns a parser that accepts any of the specified characters.
char(Object char, [String? message]) Parser<String>
Returns a parser that accepts a specific character only.
digit([String message = 'digit expected']) Parser<String>
Returns a parser that accepts any digit character. The accepted input is equivalent to the character-set 0-9.
endOfInput([String message = 'end of input expected']) Parser<void>
Returns a parser that succeeds at the end of input.
epsilon() Parser<void>
Returns a parser that consumes nothing and succeeds.
epsilonWith<R>(R result) Parser<R>
Returns a parser that consumes nothing and succeeds with result.
failure<R>([String message = 'unable to parse']) Parser<R>
Returns a parser that consumes nothing and fails.
letter([String message = 'letter expected']) Parser<String>
Returns a parser that accepts any letter character (lowercase or uppercase). The accepted input is equivalent to the character-set a-zA-Z.
lowercase([String message = 'lowercase letter expected']) Parser<String>
Returns a parser that accepts any lowercase character. The accepted input is equivalent to the character-set a-z.
noneOf(String chars, [String? message]) Parser<String>
Returns a parser that accepts none of the specified characters.
pattern(String element, [String? message]) Parser<String>
Returns a parser that accepts a single character of a given character set provided as a string.
patternIgnoreCase(String element, [String? message]) Parser<String>
Returns a parser that accepts a single character of a given case-insensitive character set provided as a string.
position() Parser
Returns a parser that reports the current input position.
predicate(int length, Predicate<String> predicate, String message) Parser<String>
Returns a parser that reads input of the specified length, accepts it if the predicate matches, or fails with the given message.
range(Object start, Object stop, [String? message]) Parser<String>
Returns a parser that accepts any character in the range between start and stop.
selectFarthest<T>(Failure<T> first, Failure<T> second) Failure<T>
Reports the parser failure farthest down in the input string, preferring later failures over earlier ones.
selectFarthestJoined<T>(Failure<T> first, Failure<T> second) Failure<T>
Reports the parser failure farthest down in the input string, joining error messages at the same position.
selectFirst<T>(Failure<T> first, Failure<T> second) Failure<T>
Reports the first parse failure observed.
selectLast<T>(Failure<T> first, Failure<T> second) Failure<T>
Reports the last parse failure observed (default).
string(String element, [String? message]) Parser<String>
Returns a parser that accepts the string element.
stringIgnoreCase(String element, [String? message]) Parser<String>
Returns a parser that accepts the string element ignoring the case.
undefined<R>([String message = 'undefined parser']) SettableParser<R>
Returns a parser that is not defined, but that can be set at a later point in time.
uppercase([String message = 'uppercase letter expected']) Parser<String>
Returns a parser that accepts any uppercase character. The accepted input is equivalent to the character-set A-Z.
whitespace([String message = 'whitespace expected']) Parser<String>
Returns a parser that accepts any whitespace character.
word([String message = 'letter or digit expected']) Parser<String>
Returns a parser that accepts any word character (lowercase, uppercase, underscore, or digit). The accepted input is equivalent to the character-set a-zA-Z_0-9.


ContinuationFunction<T> = Result<T> Function(Context context)
Continuation function of the ContinuationHandler.
ContinuationHandler<T, R> = Result<R> Function(ContinuationFunction<T> continuation, Context context)
Handler function for the ContinuationParser.
FailureJoiner<T> = Failure<T> Function(Failure<T> first, Failure<T> second)
Function definition that joins parse Failure instances.