patternIgnoreCase function

Parser<String> patternIgnoreCase(
  1. String element, [
  2. String? message

Returns a parser that accepts a single character of a given case-insensitive character set provided as a string.

Characters match themselves. A dash - between two characters matches the range of those characters. A caret ^ at the beginning negates the pattern.

For example, the parser patternIgnoreCase('aoU') accepts the character 'a', 'o', 'u' and 'A', 'O', 'U', and fails for any other input. The parser patternIgnoreCase('a-c') accepts 'a', 'b', 'c' and 'A', 'B', 'C'; and fails for any other character. The parser `patternIgnoreCase('^A') accepts any character, but fails for the characters 'a' or 'A'.


Parser<String> patternIgnoreCase(String element, [String? message]) {
  final isNegated = element.startsWith('^');
  if (isNegated) {
    element = element.substring(1);
  final isDashed = element.endsWith('-');
  if (isDashed) {
    element = element.substring(0, element.length - 1);
  return pattern(
      '${isNegated ? '^' : ''}'
      '${isDashed ? '-' : ''}',