getDerivedStateFromError method

  1. @mustCallSuper
  2. @override
Map getDerivedStateFromError(
  1. dynamic error

ReactJS lifecycle method that is invoked after an error is thrown by a descendant.

Use this method to capture the error and update component state accordingly by returning a new Map value that will be merged into the current state.

This method is effectively static (since it is static in the JS layer), so using instance members like props, state or ref will not work.

Note: This method, along with componentDidCatch will only be called if skipMethods in registerComponent2 is overridden with a list that includes the names of these methods. Otherwise, in order to prevent every component from being an error boundary, componentDidCatch and getDerivedStateFromError will be ignored.



Map getDerivedStateFromError(/*Error||Exception*/dynamic error) {
  return newState()..hasError = true;