componentDidCatch method

  1. @mustCallSuper
  2. @override
void componentDidCatch(
  1. dynamic error,
  2. ReactErrorInfo info

ReactJS lifecycle method that is invoked after an error is thrown by a descendant.

Use this method primarily for logging errors, but because it takes place after the commit phase side-effects are permitted.

Note: This method, along with getDerivedStateFromError will only be called if skipMethods in registerComponent2 is overridden with a list that includes the names of these methods. Otherwise, in order to prevent every component from being an "error boundary", componentDidCatch and getDerivedStateFromError will be ignored.



void componentDidCatch(/*Error||Exception*/dynamic error, ReactErrorInfo info) {
  props.onComponentDidCatch?.call(error, info);

  _handleErrorInComponentTree(error, info);