Nylo class


Nylo({NyRouter? router, bool useNyRouteObserver = true})
Create a new Nylo instance.


authStorageKey String?
getter/setter pair
getAppLoader Widget
Get appLoader
no setter
Get appLogo
no setter
getCache NyCache?
Get the cache instance
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
isFlutterLocalNotificationsInitialized bool
getter/setter pair
locale String
Get the current locale
no setter
onDeepLinkAction ↔ dynamic Function(String route, dynamic data)?
getter/setter pair
router NyRouter?
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
toastNotification Widget Function({Function? onDismiss, required ToastNotificationStyleType style, dynamic toastNotificationStyleMeta(ToastNotificationStyleMetaHelper helper)?})?
Get the toast notification.
no setter


addApiDecoders(Map<Type, dynamic> apiDecoders) → dynamic
Set API decoders
addAuthKey(String key) → dynamic
Add an auth key to the Nylo instance
addControllers(Map<Type, dynamic> controllers) → dynamic
Add Controllers to your Nylo project.
addEventBus({int maxHistoryLength = 10, bool allowLogging = false}) → dynamic
Add an EventBus to your Nylo project.
addEvents(Map<Type, NyEvent> events) → dynamic
Add events to Nylo
addFormCasts(Map<String, dynamic> formTypes) → dynamic
Add form casts to Nylo
addFormStyle(NyFormStyle formStyle) → dynamic
Set the form style
addLoader(Widget appLoader) → dynamic
Add appLoader
Add appLogo
addModelDecoders(Map<Type, dynamic> modelDecoders) → dynamic
Add modelDecoders to Nylo
addNavigatorObserver(NavigatorObserver observer) → dynamic
Add a navigator observer.
addRouter(NyRouter router) → dynamic
Allows you to add additional Router's to your project.
addThemes<T extends BaseColorStyles>(List<BaseThemeConfig<T>> themes) → dynamic
Add themes to Nylo
addToastNotification(Widget toastNotification({Function? onDismiss, required ToastNotificationStyleType style, dynamic toastNotificationStyleMeta(ToastNotificationStyleMetaHelper helper)?})) → dynamic
Add toast notification
addValidationRules(Map<String, dynamic> validators) → dynamic
Add validators to Nylo
getApiDecoders() Map<Type, NyApiService Function()>
Get API decoders
getAuthKey() String?
Get the auth key
getController(dynamic controller) → dynamic
Find a controller
getEvent(Type event) NyEvent?
Return an event.
getEvents() Map<Type, NyEvent>
Return all the registered events.
getFormCasts() Map<String, dynamic>
Get form types from Nylo
getFormStyle() NyFormStyle?
Get the form style
getInitializationSettings() → InitializationSettings?
Get initialization settings
getInitialRoute() String
Get the initial route.
getLocalNotifications() → FlutterLocalNotificationsPlugin?
Get local notifications
getModelDecoders() Map<Type, dynamic>
Return all the registered events.
getNavigatorObservers() List<NavigatorObserver>
Return all the registered navigator observers.
getOnDidReceiveBackgroundNotificationResponse() → dynamic Function(NotificationResponse notificationResponse)?
Get on did receive background notification response
getOnDidReceiveNotificationResponse() → dynamic Function(NotificationResponse notificationResponse)?
Get on did receive notification response
getValidationRules() Map<String, dynamic>
Get validators from Nylo
initializeLocalNotifications() → dynamic
Initialize local notifications
initRoutes({String? initialRoute}) → void
Initialize routes
monitorAppUsage() → dynamic
Set if the app should monitor app usage like:
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
Set the deep link action. e.g. nylo.onDeepLink((route, data) { print("Deep link route: $route"); print("Deep link data: $data"); });
removeNavigatorObserver(NavigatorObserver observer) → dynamic
Remove a navigator observer.
setInitialRoute(String routeName) → dynamic
Set the initial route from a routeName.
setLocalNotifications(FlutterLocalNotificationsPlugin localNotifications) → dynamic
Set local notifications
shouldMonitorAppUsage() bool
Check if the app should monitor app usage
shouldShowDateTimeInLogs() bool
Check if the app should show date time in logs
showDateTimeInLogs() → dynamic
Show date time in logs
syncKeys(dynamic keys) → dynamic
Sync keys to the backpack instance.
syncToBackpack(String key, dynamic data) → dynamic
Sync a model to the backpack instance.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
useErrorStack({ErrorStackLogLevel level = ErrorStackLogLevel.verbose, Widget errorWidget(FlutterErrorDetails errorDetails)?}) → dynamic
Use ErrorStack level is the log level for ErrorStack errorWidget is a custom error widget
useLocalNotifications({DarwinInitializationSettings? iosSettings, AndroidInitializationSettings? androidSettings, LinuxInitializationSettings? linuxSettings, dynamic onDidReceiveLocalNotification(NotificationResponse details)?, dynamic onDidReceiveBackgroundNotificationResponse(NotificationResponse details)?}) → void
Use local notifications
wipeStorage() → dynamic
Wipe all storage data


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

instance Nylo
Get Nylo from Backpack
no setter

Static Methods

addRouteHistory(Route route) → dynamic
Add a route to the route history.
apiDecoder<T>() NyApiService
Get a API Decoder
apiDecoders() Map<Type, NyApiService>
Get api decoders
appFirstLaunchDate() Future<DateTime?>
Days since first launch
appLaunchCount() Future<int?>
App launch count - this method will return the app launch count.
appLaunched() Future<void>
App launched - this method will increment the app launch count.
appLoader() Widget
Get appLoader
Get appLogo
appTotalDaysSinceFirstLaunch() Future<int>
Days since first launch
authKey() String
Get the auth user
canMonitorAppUsage() → dynamic
Check if the app can monitor data
containsRoute(String route) bool
Check if the router contains specific route
containsRoutes(List<String> routes) bool
Check if the router contains specific routes
events() Map<Type, NyEvent>
Get events
getAppThemes() List<AppTheme>
Get all app themes
getCurrentRoute() Route?
Get current route
getCurrentRouteArguments() → dynamic
Get current route arguments
getCurrentRouteName() String?
Get current route name
getLocale() String
Get the current locale
getPreviousRoute() Route?
Get previous route
getPreviousRouteArguments() → dynamic
Get previous route arguments
getPreviousRouteName() String?
Get previous route name
getRouteHistory() List
Get the route history.
init({Function? setup, dynamic setupFinished(Nylo nylo)?, bool? showSplashScreen}) Future<Nylo>
Initialize Nylo
isCurrentRoute(String routeName) bool
Check if the current route is routeName
isDebuggingEnabled() bool
Check if the app is in debug mode
isEnvDeveloping() bool
Check if the app is in developing
isEnvProduction() bool
Check if the app is in production
isInitialized() bool
Check if Nylo is initialized
localNotifications(dynamic callback(FlutterLocalNotificationsPlugin localNotifications)) → dynamic
Get the local notifications plugin
notificationTapBackground(NotificationResponse notificationResponse) → void
onDidReceiveNotificationResponse(NotificationResponse notificationResponse) → void
On did receive notification response
removeLastRouteHistory() → dynamic
Remove a route from the route history.
removeRouteHistory(Route route) → dynamic
Remove a route from the route history.
scheduleOnce(String name, dynamic callback()) → dynamic
Schedule something to happen once
scheduleOnceAfterDate(String name, dynamic callback(), {required DateTime date}) → dynamic
Schedule something to happen once after a date
scheduleOnceDaily(String name, dynamic callback(), {DateTime? endAt}) → dynamic
Schedule something to happen once daily
updateRouteStack(List<String> routes, {bool replace = true, bool deepLink = false, Map<String, dynamic>? dataForRoute}) → dynamic
Update the stack on the router. routes is a list of routes to navigate to. E.g. HomePage.path, SettingPage.path replace is a boolean that determines if the current route should be replaced. dataForRoute is a map of data to pass to the route. E.g. {HomePage.path: {"name": "John Doe"}} Example:
user<T>() → T?
Get the auth user
wipeAllStorageData() Future<void>
Wipe all storage data