Online class
artificial_delay ()
→ Future <Online >
clear_value (AbstractSelector selector , {bool show = true })
→ Future <Online >
click (AbstractSelector selector , {bool show = true , int index = 0 })
→ Future <Online >
close ()
→ Future <Online >
close_all_other_pages ()
→ Future <Online >
close_all_pages ()
→ Future <Online >
close_page (int index )
→ Future <Online >
double_click (AbstractSelector selector )
→ Future <Online >
download (AbstractDownloadable downloadable , AbstractPath path )
→ Future <Online >
downloadSapTable ()
→ Future <Online >
evaluate (String script , {List ? properties , List ? args })
→ Future
ex (MapFunc <ElementHandle , dynamic > script , {List ? args })
→ Future <Online >
Extracts data using a custom JavaScript function and stores it in the context.
Extracts HTML content from elements matching the selector and stores it in the context.
Extracts all links from the page and stores them in the context.
Extracts meta tags from the page and stores them in the context.
Extracts multiple data points from the page and stores them in the context.
Extracts structured data (JSON-LD, microdata, RDFa) from the page and stores it in the context.
Extracts data from a table and stores it in the context.
Extracts text content from elements matching the selector and stores it in the context.
fill (Map <String , dynamic > map , {AbstractSelector ? form })
→ Future <Online >
focus (AbstractSelector selector , {bool show = true })
→ Future <Online >
foreach (AbstractSelector selector , dynamic action (ElementHandle , Ctx ) )
→ Future <Online >
get_element (AbstractSelector selector )
→ Future <ElementHandle ? >
get_page (int index )
→ Future <Page >
get_value (AbstractSelector selector , String property )
→ Future <String ? >
goto (AbstractUrl url , {bool show = true })
→ Future <Online >
grid_fill (SelectorBuilder selectorBuilder , List <Map <String , dynamic > > data )
→ Future <Online >
fill sap grid with data
eg. .grid_fill(WithId//('C120', data)
data is a list of maps
will iterate through the list and fill the grid
set element with id "grid#C120#1,2#if" to "data'1,2'
set element with id "grid#C120#1,3#if" to "data'1,3'
set element with id "grid#C120#1,6#if" to "data'1,6'
has (AbstractSelector selector )
→ Future <bool >
has_cookie (String domain , String cookie )
→ Future <bool >
hover (AbstractSelector selector )
→ Future <Online >
key_down (Key key , {bool show = true })
→ Future <Online >
key_up (Key key , {bool show = true })
→ Future <Online >
lastPage ()
→ Future <Page >
list_buttons ()
→ Future <Online >
List buttons
List all button elements and their attributes for the current page
list_checkboxes ()
→ Future <Online >
List checkboxes
list_clickable ()
→ Future <Online >
List clickable elements
List all clickable elements and their attributes for the current page
list_dropdowns ()
→ Future <Online >
List dropdowns
List all dropdown elements and their attributes for the current page
list_elements (AbstractSelector selector )
→ Future <Online >
List elements matching the selector
list_images ()
→ Future <Online >
List images
list_inputs ()
→ Future <Online >
List inputs
List all input elements and their attributes for the current page
list_radio_buttons ()
→ Future <Online >
List radio buttons
list_textareas ()
→ Future <Online >
List textareas
List all textarea elements and their attributes for the current page
log_actions ()
→ Future <Online >
log actions
logs all user actions like clicks, typing, scrolling, etc in a structured format
so that we can use it to write automation scripts
log_requests ()
→ Future <Online >
login (Authable authable , {bool show = true })
→ Future <Online >
maybe_click (AbstractSelector selector , {bool show = true , int index = 0 })
→ Future <Online >
middle_click (AbstractSelector selector )
→ Future <Online >
mouse_enter (AbstractSelector selector )
→ Future <Online >
mouse_leave (AbstractSelector selector )
→ Future <Online >
mouse_out (AbstractSelector selector )
→ Future <Online >
mouse_over (AbstractSelector selector )
→ Future <Online >
navigate (String url , {bool show = true })
→ Future <Online >
new_tab (AbstractUrl url , {bool show = true })
→ Future <Online >
newPage ()
→ Future <Page >
noSuchMethod (Invocation invocation )
→ dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
pages ()
→ Future <List <Page > >
press (Key key , {bool show = true })
→ Future <Online >
press_keyboard_shortcut (Key key , {List <Key > modifiers = const [] })
→ Future <Online >
right_click (AbstractSelector selector , {bool show = true })
→ Future <Online >
scan (AbstractSelector selector , dynamic action (ElementHandle ), {bool show = true })
→ Future <Online >
screenshot (String path )
→ Future <Online >
scroll_by (int x , int y )
→ Future <Online >
scroll_to (AbstractSelector selector )
→ Future <Online >
scroll_to_bottom ()
→ Future <Online >
scroll_to_left ()
→ Future <Online >
scroll_to_right ()
→ Future <Online >
scroll_to_top ()
→ Future <Online >
scrollBy (int x , int y )
→ Future <Online >
scrollToElement (AbstractSelector selector )
→ Future <Online >
select (AbstractSelector selector , SelectionStrategy strategy , {bool show = true })
→ Future <Online >
select_frame (String selector )
→ Future <Online >
send_hotkey (Key key , {List <Key > ? modifiers })
→ Future <Online >
set (AbstractSelector selector , Object ? obj , {Object ? max = null , bool show = true , Duration ? timeout = null , int index = 0 , bool click = false })
→ Future <Online >
set_all (AbstractSelector selector , String text )
→ Future <Online >
set_attribute (AbstractSelector selector , String attribute , String value )
→ Future <Online >
set_grid_cell (String grid_id , int row , int column , String text , {bool show = true })
→ Future <Online >
set_range (AbstractSelector selector , String from , String to , {Duration ? timeout = null , bool log = true })
→ Future <Online >
set_secret (AbstractSelector selector , String text , {Duration ? timeout = null , int index = 0 })
→ Future <Online >
sets (AbstractSelector selector , List <String > texts , {bool show = true })
→ Future <Online >
sets all the elements that match the selector with a set of values
only tries to set the elements that are available (ignores the rest)
submit (AbstractSelector selector )
→ Future <Online >
toString ()
→ String
A string representation of this object.
type (AbstractSelector selector , Object ? text , {bool show = true })
→ Future <Online >
more involved than set. more realistic due to waiting for the element to appear,
scrolling to the element, moving the mouse over the element, focusing on the element by clicking on it
waiting for the focusable child of the element and focusing on it, finding the first input/textarea/select and focusing on it
and then typing the text
unfocus (AbstractSelector selector , {bool show = true })
→ Future <Online >
visit (String url , {bool show = true })
→ Future <Online >
wait (Waitable waitable )
→ Future <Online >
waitFor (AbstractSelector waitable , {Duration ? timeout })
→ Future <Online >
when (Waitable waitable , MapFunc <Online , dynamic > action , {Duration ? timeout })
→ Future <Online >
When / Then
eg. wait for a context menu to appear and select the 'Spreadsheet' option from the context menu
'), (x) =>'divrole="menu"
when_contains (String selector , String text , MapFunc <ElementHandle , dynamic > action )
→ Future <Online >