extract_custom method
Extracts data using a custom JavaScript function and stores it in the context.
is the key under which the extracted data will be stored in the context.
is a string containing a JavaScript function to be executed.
(optional) is a list of arguments to be passed to the custom function.
Returns the Online instance for method chaining.
Example usage:
await online.extract_custom('customProductData', '''
() => {
return Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('div.product'))
.map(div => ({
name: div.querySelector('.name').textContent,
price: parseFloat(div.querySelector('.price').textContent.slice(1))
var customProductData = ctx.get<List<Map<String, dynamic>>>('customProductData');
Future<Online> extract_custom(String key, String customFunction,
{List<dynamic>? args}) async {
Show.action('extracting', 'custom data');
var result = await (await page).evaluate(customFunction, args: args);
ctx.set(key, result);
return this;