Auth class

The Nhost Auth service.

Supports user authentication, MFA, OTP, and various user management functions.

See for more info.


Auth({required String baseUrl, required UserSession session, required AuthStore authStore, String? refreshToken, bool? autoLogin = true, Duration? refreshInterval, required Client httpClient})
baseUrl is the Nhost "Backend URL" that can be found on your Nhost project page.


authenticationState AuthenticationState
Whether a user is logged in, not logged in, or if a login is in process.
no setter
currentUser User?
Currently logged-in user, or null if unauthenticated.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
jwt String?
The currently logged-in user's Json Web Token, or null if unauthenticated.
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


activate(String ticket) Future<void>
Activates a user.
addAuthStateChangedCallback(AuthStateChangedCallback callback) UnsubscribeDelegate
Add a callback that will be invoked when the service's authentication state changes.
addTokenChangedCallback(TokenChangedCallback callback) UnsubscribeDelegate
Add a callback that will be invoked when the service's token changes.
changeEmail(String newEmail) Future<void>
Changes the email address of a logged in user.
changePassword({required String oldPassword, required String newPassword}) Future<void>
Changes the password of a logged in user who knows their current password.
close() → void
Releases the service's resources.
completeMfaLogin({required String code, required String ticket}) Future<AuthResponse>
Complete an MFA login using a time-based one-time password.
completeOAuthProviderLogin(Uri redirectUrl) Future<void>
Completes an OAuth provider login, given the Nhost OAuth provider's redirectUrl.
confirmEmailChange({required String ticket}) Future<void>
Confirms an email change.
confirmPasswordChange({required String newPassword, required String? ticket}) Future<void>
Confirms an password change.
disableMfa(String code) Future<void>
Disable MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication).
enableMfa(String totp) Future<void>
Enable MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication).
generateMfa() Future<MultiFactorAuthResponse>
Generates an MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) QR-code.
getClaim(String jwtClaim) String?
login({required String email, required String password}) Future<AuthResponse>
Authenticates a user using an email and password.
logout({bool all = false}) Future<AuthResponse>
Logs out the current user.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
refreshSession() Future<void>
register({required String email, required String password, Map<String, String>? userData, String? defaultRole, List<String>? allowedRoles}) Future<AuthResponse>
Creates a user from an email and password.
requestEmailChange({required String newEmail}) Future<void>
Requests an email change for the logging in user.
requestPasswordChange({required String email}) Future<void>
Requests a password change for a user.
setSession(Session session) Future<void>
Updates the Auth to begin identifying as the user described by session.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.