Auth constructor

  1. required String baseUrl,
  2. required UserSession session,
  3. required AuthStore authStore,
  4. String? refreshToken,
  5. bool? autoLogin = true,
  6. Duration? refreshInterval,
  7. required Client httpClient,

baseUrl is the Nhost "Backend URL" that can be found on your Nhost project page.

authStore (optional) is used to persist authentication tokens between restarts of your app. If not provided, the tokens will not be persisted.

refreshToken (optional) is the result of a previously successful login, and is used to initialize this client into a logged-in state.

autoLogin (optional) indicates whether the client should attempt to login automatically using refreshToken, or information pulled from the authStore (if available).

tokenRefreshInterval (optional) is the amount of time the client will wait between refreshing its authentication tokens. If not provided, will default to a value provided by the server.

httpClientOverride (optional) can be provided in order to customize the requests made by the Nhost APIs, which can be useful for proxy configuration and debugging.


  required String baseUrl,
  required UserSession session,
  required AuthStore authStore,
  String? refreshToken,
  bool? autoLogin = true,
  Duration? refreshInterval,
  required http.Client httpClient,
})  : _apiClient = ApiClient(Uri.parse(baseUrl), httpClient: httpClient),
      _session = session,
      _authStore = authStore,
      _tokenRefreshInterval = refreshInterval,
      _refreshTokenLock = false,
      _loading = true,
      _autoLogin = autoLogin ?? true {
  if (_autoLogin) {
  } else if (refreshToken != null) {
    _authStore.setString(refreshTokenClientStorageKey, refreshToken);
  } else {
    _loading = false;