Buffer class

This provides methods to read and write strings, lists and various sized integers on a buffer (implemented as an integer list).

The ints in the backing list must all be 8-bit values. If larger values are entered, behaviour is undefined.

As per mysql spec, numbers here are all unsigned. Which makes things much easier.


Buffer(int size)
Creates a Buffer of the given size
Buffer.fromList(List<int> list)
Creates a Buffer with the given list as backing storage


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
hasMore bool
no setter
length int
Returns the size of the buffer
no setter
list Uint8List
no setter
log → Logger
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


canReadMore() bool
Returns true if more data can be read from the buffer, false otherwise.
fill(int numberOfBytes, int value) → void
Fills the next numberOfBytes with the given value
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
readByte() int
Returns a single byte, read from the buffer.
readDouble() double
readFloat() double
readFromSocket(RawSocket socket, int count) int
Reads up to count bytes from the socket into the buffer. Returns the number of bytes read.
readInt16() int
Returns a 16-bit integer, read from the buffer
readInt32() int
Returns a 32-bit integer, read from the buffer.
readInt64() int
Returns a 64-bit integer, read from the buffer.
readLengthCodedBinary() int?
Reads a length coded binary from the buffer. This is specified in the mysql docs. It will read up to nine bytes from the stream, depending on the first byte. Returns an unsigned integer.
readLengthCodedString() String?
Returns a length coded string, read from the buffer.
readList(int numberOfBytes) List<int>
Returns a list of the given numberOfBytes, read from the buffer.
readNullTerminatedList() List<int>
Reads a null terminated list of ints from the buffer. Returns the list of ints from the buffer, without the terminating zero
readNullTerminatedString() String
Reads a null terminated string from the buffer. Returns the string, without a terminating null.
readString(int length) String
Reads a string of the given length from the buffer.
readStringToEnd() String
Reads a string from the buffer, terminating when the end of the buffer is reached.
readUint16() int
Returns a 16-bit integer, read from the buffer
readUint24() int
Returns a 24-bit integer, read from the buffer.
readUint32() int
Returns a 32-bit integer, read from the buffer.
readUint64() int
Returns a 64-bit integer, read from the buffer.
reset() → void
Resets the read and write positions markers to the start of the buffer */
seek(int position) → void
Moves the read marker to the given position
seekWrite(int position) → void
Moves the write marker to the given position
skip(int numberOfBytes) → void
Moves the read marker forwards by the given numberOfBytes
skipWrite(int numberOfBytes) → void
Moves the write marker forwards by the given numberOfBytes
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
writeByte(int byte) → void
Writes a single byte to the buffer.
writeDouble(double value) → void
writeFloat(double value) → void
writeInt16(int integer) → void
Writes a 16 bit integer to the buffer.
writeInt32(int integer) → void
Writes a 32 bit integer to the buffer.
writeInt64(int integer) → void
Writes a 64 bit integer to the buffer.
writeLengthCodedBinary(int value) → void
Will write a length coded binary value, once implemented!
writeList(List<int> list) → void
Writes the give list of bytes to the buffer.
writeNullTerminatedList(List<int> list) → void
Writes a null terminated list of ints from the buffer. The given list should not contain the terminating zero.
writeToSocket(RawSocket socket, int start, int count) int
Writes up to count bytes to the socket from the buffer. Returns the number of bytes written.
writeUint16(int integer) → void
Writes a 16 bit integer to the buffer.
writeUint24(int integer) → void
Writes a 24 bit integer to the buffer.
writeUint32(int integer) → void
Writes a 32 bit integer to the buffer.
writeUint64(int integer) → void
Writes a 64 bit integer to the buffer.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.
operator [](int index) int
Returns the int at the specified index
operator []=(int index, int value) → void
Sets the int at the specified index to the given value

Static Methods

debugChars(Uint8List list) String
listChars(Uint8List list) String
measureLengthCodedBinary(int value) int