io library


A singleton wrapper around stdin that allows new subscribers.


sharedStdIn SharedStdIn
A shared singleton instance of dart:io's stdin stream.


checkDirectoryExists(String path, [String? name]) Directory
Check if the Directory at path exists, if not throw an ArgumentError.
checkFileExists(String path, [String? name]) File
Check if the File at path exists, if not throw an ArgumentError.
checkLeadsToFiletype(String path, FileSystemEntityType type) → void
Check that path leads to a FileSystemEntity of type.
copyDirectory(String path, Directory target) Future<Directory?>
Copy the directory at path recursively into target.
copyDirectorySync(String path, Directory target) Directory?
Copy the directory at path recursively into target.
copyFile(String path, Directory target) Future<File?>
Copy the file at path into target.
copyFileSync(String path, Directory target) File?
Copy the file at path into target.
deleteSync(String path) → void
existsSync(String path) bool
Returns true if any file or directory exists at path.
printErr(Object? object, [String end = "\n"]) → void
Prints a string representation of object to stderr.
printOut(Object? object, [String end = "\n"]) → void
Prints a string representation of object to stdout.
promptUntilValidPick<T extends Object>({required String prompt, required Set<T> options, required StringifiedPromptOption stringify(int index, T option), String onError(String input)?, String selectorFormatter(String selector)?, T? defaultValue, String separator = ")", String promptIndent = "", String optionsIndent = "\t", String errorIndent = ""}) Future<T>
promptUntilValidPickSync<T extends Object>({required String prompt, required Set<T> options, required StringifiedPromptOption stringify(int index, T option), String onError(String input)?, String selectorFormatter(String selector)?, T? defaultValue, String separator = ")", String promptIndent = "", String optionsIndent = "\t", String errorIndent = ""}) → T
promptYesNo(String question, {bool defaultToYes = true}) Future<bool>
promptYesNoSync(String question, {bool defaultToYes = true}) bool
tryProcessRunSync(String executable, List<String> args, {String? workingDirectory, Map<String, String>? environment, bool includeParentEnvironment = true, bool runInShell = false, Encoding? stdoutEncoding = systemEncoding, Encoding? stderrEncoding = systemEncoding, void onProcessException(ProcessException exception, StackTrace stackTrace)?}) ProcessResult?
Tries to synchronously run the executable with the provided args.


StringifiedPromptOption = ({String option, String selector})