getValueFromManifestOrInfoPlist static method

Future<String> getValueFromManifestOrInfoPlist({
  1. String? androidManifestKey,
  2. String? iOSPlistKey,

Used as a getValueFromManifestOrInfoPlist class for Mirrorfly

  • @property androidManifestKey indicates the manifest file meta data key
  • @property iOSPlistKey indicates the info plist file key returns the value from Manifest file if its Platform.isAndroid or if its Platform.isIOS the value from info Plist file.


static Future<String> getValueFromManifestOrInfoPlist({String? androidManifestKey, String? iOSPlistKey}) async {
  return FlyChatFlutterPlatform.instance.getValueFromManifestOrInfoPlist(androidManifestKey: androidManifestKey, iOSPlistKey: iOSPlistKey);