Mirrorfly class


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

blockedThisUser Stream
no setter
connectionFailed Stream
no setter
connectionSuccess Stream
no setter
isChatHistoryEnabled bool
getter/setter pair
isTrialLicence bool
getter/setter pair
myProfileUpdated Stream
no setter
onAdminBlockedOtherUser Stream
no setter
onAdminBlockedUser Stream
no setter
onAvailableFeaturesUpdated Stream
no setter
onCallAction Stream
no setter
onCallLogsDeleted Stream
no setter
onCallLogsUpdated Stream
no setter
onCallStatusUpdated Stream
no setter
onChatTypingStatus Stream
no setter
onConnected Stream
no setter
onConnectionFailed Stream
no setter
onContactSyncComplete Stream
no setter
onDeleteGroup Stream
no setter
onDisconnected Stream
no setter
onFailure Stream
no setter
onFetchingGroupListCompleted Stream
no setter
onFetchingGroupMembersCompleted Stream
no setter
onGroupDeletedLocally Stream
no setter
onGroupNotificationMessage Stream
no setter
onGroupProfileFetched Stream
no setter
onGroupProfileUpdated Stream
no setter
onGroupTypingStatus Stream
no setter
onLeftFromGroup Stream
no setter
onLocalVideoTrackAdded Stream
no setter
onLoggedOut Stream
no setter
onMediaStatusUpdated Stream
no setter
onMemberMadeAsAdmin Stream
no setter
onMemberRemovedAsAdmin Stream
no setter
onMemberRemovedFromGroup Stream
no setter
onMessageReceived Stream
no setter
onMessageStatusUpdated Stream
no setter
onMissedCall Stream
no setter
onMuteStatusUpdated Stream
no setter
onNewGroupCreated Stream
no setter
onNewMemberAddedToGroup Stream
no setter
onProgressChanged Stream
no setter
onRemoteVideoTrackAdded Stream
no setter
onSuccess Stream
no setter
onTrackAdded Stream
no setter
onUploadDownloadProgressChanged Stream
no setter
onUserSpeaking Stream
no setter
onUserStoppedSpeaking Stream
no setter
onWebChatPasswordChanged Stream
no setter
setTypingStatus Stream
no setter
showOrUpdateOrCancelNotification Stream
no setter
unblockedThisUser Stream
no setter
userBlockedMe Stream
no setter
userCameOnline Stream
no setter
userDeletedHisProfile Stream
no setter
userProfileFetched Stream
no setter
usersIBlockedListFetched Stream
no setter
usersProfilesFetched Stream
no setter
usersWhoBlockedMeListFetched Stream
no setter
userUnBlockedMe Stream
no setter
userUpdatedHisProfile Stream
no setter
userWentOffline Stream
no setter

Static Methods

acceptVideoCallSwitchRequest() Future
acceptVideoCallSwitchRequest Used to Accept the Video Call Request from Audio to Video Call
addContact(String number, String name) Future<bool?>
addUsersToGroup(String jid, List<String> userList) Future<bool?>
appLaunchedFromMissedCall() Future<bool?>
Used to get appLaunchedFromMissedCall
authToken() Future<String?>
This authToken is used to get refreshed Auth Token.
blockUser(String userJID) Future
cancelBackup() → dynamic
cancelMediaUploadOrDownload(String messageId) → dynamic
cancelNotifications() → dynamic
cancelRestore() → dynamic
cancelVideoCallSwitch() Future
cancelVideoCallSwitch Used to Cancel the Video Call Request from Audio to Video Call You can use this cancelVideoCallSwitch to deny the request and also When the Request Timeouts
clearAllConversation() Future<bool?>
clearAllSDKData() → dynamic
clearChat(String jid, String chatType, bool clearExceptStarred) Future
contactSyncState() Future
contactSyncStateValue() Future<bool>
copyTextMessages(List<String> messageIds) → dynamic
createGroup(String groupname, List<String> userList, String image) Future
createOfflineGroupInOnline(String groupId) Future<bool?>
createTopic({required String topicName, List<TopicMetaData> metaData = const []}) Future<String?>
Used as a createTopic class for Mirrorfly used to create a Topic for chat
declineCall() Future<bool?>
Used as a declineCall class for Mirrorfly used to decline the Call an out-going call
declineVideoCallSwitchRequest() Future
declineVideoCallSwitchRequest Used to Decline the Video Call Request from Remote User
deleteAccount(String reason, String? feedback) Future
deleteAllMessages() → dynamic
deleteBusyStatus(String id, String status, bool isCurrentStatus) Future<bool?>
deleteCallLog(List<String> jidlist, bool isClearAll) Future
deleteGroup(String jid) Future<bool?>
deleteMessages(String jid, List<String> messageIds, bool isDeleteForEveryOne) Future
deleteMessagesForEveryone(String jid, String chatType, List<String> messageIds, bool? isMediaDelete) Future
deleteMessagesForMe(String jid, String chatType, List<String> messageIds, bool? isMediaDelete) Future
deleteOfflineGroup(String groupJid) → dynamic
deleteProfileStatus(String id, String status, bool isCurrentStatus) Future<bool?>
deleteRecentChat(String jid) → dynamic
deleteRecentChats(List<String> jidlist) Future<bool?>
deleteUnreadMessageSeparatorOfAConversation(String jid) Future<bool?>
disconnectCall() Future<bool?>
Used as a disconnectCall class for Mirrorfly used to disconnect an on-going call
doesFetchingMembersListFromServedRequired(String groupJid) Future<bool?>
downloadMedia(String mid) → dynamic
enableDisableArchivedSettings(bool enable) Future<bool?>
enableDisableBusyStatus(bool enable) Future<bool?>
enableDisableHideLastSeen(bool enable) Future<bool?>
exportChatConversationToEmail(String jid) Future
forwardMessages(List<String> messageIds, String tojid, String chattype) Future
forwardMessagesToMultipleUsers(List<String> messageIds, List<String> userList) Future
getAllAvailableAudioInput() Future
Used as a getAllAvailableAudioInput class for Mirrorfly used to get the available audio devices that connect on your device
getAllGroups([bool fetchFromServer = false]) Future
getArchivedChatList() Future
getArchivedChatsFromServer() → dynamic
getAvailableFeatures() Future
Used to getAvailableFeatures for the Users based on MirrorFly Plan You can Call this to show/hide features based on the availability If the feature is not available, then SDK methods wil throw 403 Exception.
getBusyStatusList() Future
getCallDirection() Future<String>
Used as a getCallDirection class for Mirrorfly used to get current call direction, incoming or outgoing.
getCallGroupJid() Future<String>
Used as a getCallGroupJid class for Mirrorfly used to get type of the current call, audio or video
getCallLogsList(int currentPage) Future
getCallType() Future<String>
Used as a getCallType class for Mirrorfly used to get type of the current call, audio or video
getCallUsersList() Future
Used as a getCallUsersList class for Mirrorfly used to get user list on the call
getCustomValue(String messageId, String key) Future<String?>
getDefaultNotificationUri() Future<String?>
getDocsMessages(String jid) Future
getFavouriteMessages() Future
getGroupJid(String groupId) Future<String?>
This getGroupJid is used to get Group Jid from group ID.
getGroupMembersList(String jid, bool? fetchFromServer) Future
getGroupMessageDeliveredToList(String messageId, String jid) Future
getGroupMessageReadByList(String messageId, String jid) Future
getGroupMessageStatusCount(String messageid) Future<int?>
getGroupProfile(String groupJid, [bool fetchFromServer = false]) Future
getInvitedUsersList() Future<List<String>>
getInvitedUsersList Used to get invited users list
getIsProfileBlockedByAdmin() Future<bool?>
getJid(String username) Future<String?>
getJidFromPhoneNumber(String mobileNumber, String countryCode) Future<String?>
getLastNUnreadMessages(int messagesCount) Future
getLinkMessages(String jid) Future
getLocalCallLogs() Future
getMaxCallUsersCount() Future<int?>
getMaxCallUsersCount Used to get Maximum call users count
getMedia(String mid) Future
getMediaAutoDownload() Future<bool?>
getMediaMessages(String jid) Future
getMediaSetting(int networkType, String type) Future<bool?>
getMembersCountOfGroup(String groupJid) Future<int?>
getMessageActions(List<String> messageidlist) Future
getMessageOfId(String mid) Future
getMessagesOfJid(String jid) Future
getMessageStatusOfASingleChatMessage(String messageID) Future
getMessagesUsingIds(List<String> messageIds) Future
getMyBusyStatus() Future
getNonChatUsers() Future
getNotificationSound() Future<bool?>
getNUnreadMessagesOfEachUsers(int messagesCount) Future
getProfileDetails(String jid) → dynamic
getProfileLocal(String jid, bool fetchFromServer) Future
getProfileStatusList() Future
getRecalledMessagesOfAConversation(String jid) Future
getRecentChatList() Future
Used as a getRecentChatListHistory class for Mirrorfly used to get Recent chat list from the Local DB use this method when Chat History not enabled
getRecentChatListHistory({required bool firstSet, int limit = 15}) Future
Used as a getRecentChatListHistory class for Mirrorfly
getRecentChatListHistoryByTopic({String? topicId, required bool firstSet, int limit = 15}) Future
Used as a getRecentChatListHistoryByTopic class for Mirrorfly
getRecentChatListIncludingArchived() Future
getRecentChatOf(String jid) Future
getRegisteredUserList({required bool fetchFromServer}) Future
getRegisteredUsers(bool fetchFromServer) Future
getRingtoneName() Future<String?>
getRoster() → dynamic
getSendData() Future<String?>
getTopics({required List<String> topicIds}) Future<String?>
Used as a getTopics class for Mirrorfly used to get Topic details by topic id's
getUnreadMessageCountExceptMutedChat() Future<int?>
getUnreadMessagesCount() Future<int?>
getUnreadMissedCallCount() Future<int?>
Used to get getUnreadMissedCallCount
getUnsentMessageOfAJid(String jid) Future<String?>
getUserLastSeenTime(String jid) Future<String?>
getUserList(int page, String search, [int perPageResultSize = 20]) Future
getUserProfile(String jid, [bool fetchFromServer = false, bool saveasfriend = false]) → dynamic
getUsersIBlocked([bool fetchFromServer = false]) Future
getUsersListToAddMembersInNewGroup() Future
getUsersListToAddMembersInOldGroup(String groupJid) Future
getUsersWhoBlockedMe([bool fetchFromServer = false]) Future
getValueFromManifestOrInfoPlist({String? androidManifestKey, String? iOSPlistKey}) Future<String>
Used as a getValueFromManifestOrInfoPlist class for Mirrorfly
getWebLoginDetails() Future
handleReceivedMessage(Map notificationData) Future
This handleReceivedMessage used to get ChatMessage from FCM Notification Android Only to Show Notification using FCM 'remoteMessage.data' as notificationData for iOS Need to add Notification Extension Service add this line in your extension service MirrorFlyNotification().handleNotification(notificationRequest: request, contentHandler: contentHandler, containerID: "xxx", licenseKey: "xxxx")
hasNextMessages() Future<bool>
This hasNextMessages is used to find it has any Previous messages
hasPreviousMessages() Future<bool>
This hasPreviousMessages is used to find it has any Previous messages
imagePath(String imgurl) Future<String?>
init({required String baseUrl, required String licenseKey, required String iOSContainerID, String? storageFolderName, bool enableMobileNumberLogin = true, bool isTrialLicenceKey = true, bool chatHistoryEnable = false, bool enableDebugLog = false}) → dynamic
Used as a initChat class for Mirrorfly
initializeMessageList({required String userJid, String? messageId, double? messageTime, bool exclude = true, bool ascendingOrder = false, String? topicId, int limit = 25}) Future
This method is used to initialize the Single/Group Chat User History to set the message filters.
initializeSDK({required String licenseKey, required String iOSContainerID, String? storageFolderName = "Mirrorfly", bool chatHistoryEnable = false, bool enableMobileNumberLogin = true, bool enableDebugLog = false}) Future<bool?>
Used as a initializeSDK class for Mirrorfly
insertBusyStatus(String busyStatus) Future<bool?>
insertDefaultStatus(String status) Future
insertNewProfileStatus(String status) Future
inviteUsersToOngoingCall({List<String> jidList = const []}) Future
inviteUsersToOngoingCall Used to get Maximum call users count
inviteUserViaSMS(String mobileNo, String message) → dynamic
iOSFileExist(String filePath) Future<bool?>
isAdmin(String userJid, String groupJID) Future<bool?>
isArchivedSettingsEnabled() Future<bool?>
isBusyStatusEnabled() Future<bool?>
isCallConversionRequestAvailable() Future<bool?>
isCallConversionRequestAvailable Used to check whether the Audio to Video Call Conversion is available or not.
isHideLastSeenEnabled() Future<bool?>
isMemberOfGroup(String groupJID, String? userJid) Future<bool?>
isMuted(String jid) Future<bool?>
isOnGoingCall() Future<bool?>
Used as a isOnGoingCall class for Mirrorfly used to check if there is an ongoing call returns the bool value
isTrailLicence() Future<bool?>
isUserAudioMuted([String? userJid]) Future<bool?>
Used as a isUserAudioMuted class for Mirrorfly used to get audio mute status an call if you not mentioned userJid then current user audio mute status will be returned
isUserUnArchived(String jid) Future<bool?>
isUserVideoMuted([String? userJid]) Future<bool?>
Used as a isUserVideoMuted class for Mirrorfly used to get video mute status an call if you not mentioned userJid then current user video mute status will be returned
leaveFromGroup(String? userJid, String groupJid) Future<bool?>
listenGroupChatEvents() Future
listenMessageEvents() Future
loadMessages() Future
This loadMessages is used to Fetch initial conversations between you and a single chat user or group. This method should be called only after the initializeMessageList Method.
loadNextMessages() Future
This loadNextMessages is used to fetch next set of conversations between you and a single chat user or group. This set contains the limit/length set in initializeMessageList method
loadPreviousMessages() Future
This loadPreviousMessages is used to fetch previous set of conversations between you and a single chat user or group. This set contains the limit/length set in initializeMessageList method
loginWebChatViaQRCode(String barcode) Future<bool?>
logoutOfChatSDK() Future
logoutWebUser(List<String> logins) Future<bool?>
makeAdmin(String groupjid, String userjid) Future<bool?>
makeGroupVideoCall({String groupJid = "", List<String> jidList = const []}) Future<bool>
Used as a makeGroupVideoCall class for Mirrorfly
makeGroupVoiceCall({String groupJid = "", List<String> jidList = const []}) Future<bool>
Used as a makeGroupVoiceCall class for Mirrorfly
makeVideoCall(String userJid) Future<bool>
Used as a makeVideoCall class for Mirrorfly
makeVoiceCall(String userJid) Future<bool>
Used as a makeVoiceCall class for Mirrorfly
markAllUnreadMissedCallsAsRead() Future<bool?>
Used to get markAllUnreadMissedCallsAsRead
markAsRead(String jid) Future<bool?>
markAsReadDeleteUnreadSeparator(String jid) Future
markConversationAsRead(List<String> jidlist) → dynamic
markConversationAsUnread(List<String> jidlist) → dynamic
mediaEndPoint() Future<String?>
muteAudio(bool status) Future<bool?>
Used as a muteAudio class for Mirrorfly used to mute the Audio in the call returns the bool value
muteVideo(bool status) Future<bool?>
Used as a muteVideo class for Mirrorfly used to mute the Video in the call returns the bool value
openAudioFilePicker() Future<String?>
Used as a openAudioPicker class for Mirrorfly used to get Audio File in Platform Android Only
openFile(String filePath) Future
prepareChatConversationToExport(String jid) Future
recentChatPinnedCount() Future<int?>
refreshAndGetAuthToken() Future<String?>
This refreshAndGetAuthToken is used to get refreshed Auth Token.
registerUser(String userIdentifier, {String fcmToken = "", bool isForceRegister = true}) Future
removeCustomValue(String messageId, String key) → dynamic
removeGroupProfileImage(String jid) Future<bool?>
removeMemberFromGroup(String groupjid, String userjid) Future<bool?>
removeProfileImage() Future<bool?>
reportChatOrUser(String jid, String chatType, String? messageId) Future
reportUserOrMessages(String jid, String type, [String messageId = ""]) Future<bool?>
requestVideoCallSwitch() Future
Used to requestVideoCallSwitch from Audio to Video Call You can switch the Audio Call to Video Call on requesting the Remote User If the remote User Accepts, Audio Call will be changed to Video Call.
revokeContactSync() Future
routeAudioTo({required String routeType}) Future<bool?>
Used as a routeAudioTo class for Mirrorfly used to route the Audio in the call via bluetooth, speaker, receiver.. returns the bool value
saveMediaSettings(bool photos, bool videos, bool audio, bool documents, int networkType) → dynamic
saveProfile(String name, String email) Future
saveUnsentMessage(String jid, String message) → dynamic
searchConversation(String searchKey, [String? jidForSearch, bool globalSearch = true]) Future
selectedAudioDevice() Future<String?>
Used as a selectedAudioDevice class for Mirrorfly used to get selectedAudioDevice an call
sendAudioMessage(String jid, String filePath, bool isRecorded, String duration, String replyMessageId, {String? audioFileUrl, String? topicId}) Future
sendContactMessage(List<String> contactList, String jid, String contactName, String replyMessageId, {String? topicId}) Future
sendContactUsInfo(String title, String description) Future<bool?>
sendDocumentMessage(String jid, String documentPath, String replyMessageId, {String? fileUrl, String? topicId}) Future
sendImageMessage(String jid, String filePath, String? caption, String? replyMessageID, {String? imageFileUrl, String? topicId}) → dynamic
sendLocationMessage(String jid, double latitude, double longitude, String replyMessageId, {String? topicId}) → dynamic
sendTextMessage(String message, String jid, String replyMessageId, {String? topicId}) → dynamic
sendTypingGoneStatus(String toJid, String chatType) → dynamic
sendTypingStatus(String toJid, String chatType) → dynamic
sendVideoMessage(String jid, String filePath, String? caption, String? replyMessageID, {String? videoFileUrl, num? videoDuration, String? thumbImageBase64, String? topicId}) → dynamic
sentFileMessage(String? file, String jid) Future
setCustomValue(String messageId, String key, String value) → dynamic
setDefaultNotificationSound() Future
setMediaAutoDownload(bool enable) → dynamic
setMediaEncryption(String encryption) → dynamic
setMuteNotification(bool enable) → dynamic
setMyBusyStatus(String busyStatus) Future<bool?>
setMyProfileStatus(String status, String statusId) Future
setNotificationSound(bool enable) → dynamic
setNotificationUri(String uri) → dynamic
setNotificationVibration(bool enable) → dynamic
setOnGoingChatUser(String jid) → dynamic
setRegionCode(String regionCode) Future
setTypingStatusListener() → dynamic
showCustomTones() Future<String?>
startBackup() → dynamic
switchCamera() → dynamic
Used as a switchCamera class for Mirrorfly used to switch the camera rear or front
syncCallLogs() Future<bool?>
syncCallLogs Used to sync the Call logs from server to local DB.
syncContacts(bool isFirstTime) Future<bool?>
unblockUser(String userJID) Future<bool?>
unFavouriteAllFavouriteMessages() Future<bool?>
updateArchiveUnArchiveChat(String jid, bool isArchived) Future<bool?>
updateChatMuteStatus(String jid, bool muteStatus) → dynamic
updateFavouriteStatus(String messageID, String chatUserJID, bool isFavourite, String chatType) Future
updateFcmToken(String firebasetoken) Future<bool?>
updateGroupName(String jid, String name) Future<bool?>
updateGroupProfileImage(String jid, String file) Future<bool?>
updateMediaDownloadStatus(String mediaMessageId, int progress, int downloadStatus, num dataTransferred) → dynamic
updateMediaUploadStatus(String mediaMessageId, int progress, int uploadStatus, num dataTransferred) → dynamic
updateMyProfile(String name, String email, String mobile, String status, String? image) → dynamic
updateMyProfileImage(String image) Future
updateRecentChatPinStatus(String jid, bool pinStatus) → dynamic
uploadMedia(String messageid) Future<bool?>
verifyToken(String userName, String token) Future<String?>
webLoginDetailsCleared() Future<bool?>