sendEmailSourceOptional method

Future<void> sendEmailSourceOptional(
  1. SendEmailOptions sendEmailOptions, {
  2. String? inboxId,
  3. bool? useDomainPool,
  4. bool? virtualSend,

Send email

Alias for InboxController.sendEmail method - see original method for full details. Sends an email from a given inbox that you have created. If no inbox is supplied a random inbox will be created for you and used to send the email.


  • SendEmailOptions sendEmailOptions (required):

  • String inboxId: ID of the inbox you want to send the email from

  • bool useDomainPool: Use domain pool. Optionally create inbox to send from using the mailslurp domain pool.

  • bool virtualSend: Optionally create inbox to send from that is a virtual inbox and won't send to external addresses


Future<void> sendEmailSourceOptional(SendEmailOptions sendEmailOptions, { String? inboxId, bool? useDomainPool, bool? virtualSend, }) async {
  final response = await sendEmailSourceOptionalWithHttpInfo(sendEmailOptions,  inboxId: inboxId, useDomainPool: useDomainPool, virtualSend: virtualSend, );
  if (response.statusCode >= HttpStatus.badRequest) {
    throw ApiException(response.statusCode, await _decodeBodyBytes(response));