EmailControllerApi class


EmailControllerApi([ApiClient? apiClient])


apiClient ApiClient
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


applyImapFlagOperation(String emailId, ImapFlagOperationOptions imapFlagOperationOptions) Future<EmailPreview?>
Set IMAP flags associated with a message. Only supports '\Seen' flag.
applyImapFlagOperationWithHttpInfo(String emailId, ImapFlagOperationOptions imapFlagOperationOptions) Future<Response>
Set IMAP flags associated with a message. Only supports '\Seen' flag.
deleteAllEmails() Future<void>
Delete all emails in all inboxes.
deleteAllEmailsWithHttpInfo() Future<Response>
Delete all emails in all inboxes.
deleteEmail(String emailId) Future<void>
Delete an email
deleteEmailWithHttpInfo(String emailId) Future<Response>
Delete an email
downloadAttachment(String emailId, String attachmentId, {String? apiKey}) Future<String?>
Get email attachment bytes. Returned as octet-stream with content type header. If you have trouble with byte responses try the downloadAttachmentBase64 response endpoints and convert the base 64 encoded content to a file or string.
downloadAttachmentBase64(String emailId, String attachmentId) Future<DownloadAttachmentDto?>
Get email attachment as base64 encoded string as an alternative to binary responses. Decode the base64FileContents as a utf-8 encoded string or array of bytes depending on the contentType.
downloadAttachmentBase64WithHttpInfo(String emailId, String attachmentId) Future<Response>
Get email attachment as base64 encoded string as an alternative to binary responses. Decode the base64FileContents as a utf-8 encoded string or array of bytes depending on the contentType.
downloadAttachmentWithHttpInfo(String emailId, String attachmentId, {String? apiKey}) Future<Response>
Get email attachment bytes. Returned as octet-stream with content type header. If you have trouble with byte responses try the downloadAttachmentBase64 response endpoints and convert the base 64 encoded content to a file or string.
downloadBody(String emailId) Future<String?>
Get email body as string. Returned as plain/text with content type header.
downloadBodyBytes(String emailId) Future<String?>
Get email body in bytes. Returned as octet-stream with content type header.
downloadBodyBytesWithHttpInfo(String emailId) Future<Response>
Get email body in bytes. Returned as octet-stream with content type header.
downloadBodyWithHttpInfo(String emailId) Future<Response>
Get email body as string. Returned as plain/text with content type header.
forwardEmail(String emailId, ForwardEmailOptions forwardEmailOptions) Future<SentEmailDto?>
Forward email to recipients
forwardEmailWithHttpInfo(String emailId, ForwardEmailOptions forwardEmailOptions) Future<Response>
Forward email to recipients
getAttachmentMetaData(String emailId, String attachmentId) Future<AttachmentMetaData?>
Get email attachment metadata. This is the contentType and contentLength of an attachment. To get the individual attachments use the downloadAttachment methods.
getAttachmentMetaDataWithHttpInfo(String emailId, String attachmentId) Future<Response>
Get email attachment metadata. This is the contentType and contentLength of an attachment. To get the individual attachments use the downloadAttachment methods.
getEmail(String emailId, {bool? decode}) Future<Email?>
Get email content including headers and body. Expects email to exist by ID. For emails that may not have arrived yet use the WaitForController.
getEmailAttachments(String emailId) Future<List<AttachmentMetaData>?>
Get all email attachment metadata. Metadata includes name and size of attachments.
getEmailAttachmentsWithHttpInfo(String emailId) Future<Response>
Get all email attachment metadata. Metadata includes name and size of attachments.
getEmailContentMatch(String emailId, ContentMatchOptions contentMatchOptions) Future<EmailContentMatchResult?>
Get email content regex pattern match results. Runs regex against email body and returns match groups.
getEmailContentMatchWithHttpInfo(String emailId, ContentMatchOptions contentMatchOptions) Future<Response>
Get email content regex pattern match results. Runs regex against email body and returns match groups.
getEmailCount() Future<CountDto?>
Get email count
getEmailCountWithHttpInfo() Future<Response>
Get email count
getEmailHTML(String emailId, {bool? decode}) Future<String?>
Get email content as HTML. For displaying emails in browser context.
getEmailHTMLJson(String emailId, {bool? decode}) Future<EmailHtmlDto?>
Get email content as HTML in JSON wrapper. For fetching entity decoded HTML content
getEmailHTMLJsonWithHttpInfo(String emailId, {bool? decode}) Future<Response>
Get email content as HTML in JSON wrapper. For fetching entity decoded HTML content
getEmailHTMLQuery(String emailId, String htmlSelector) Future<EmailTextLinesResult?>
Parse and return text from an email, stripping HTML and decoding encoded characters
getEmailHTMLQueryWithHttpInfo(String emailId, String htmlSelector) Future<Response>
Parse and return text from an email, stripping HTML and decoding encoded characters
getEmailHTMLWithHttpInfo(String emailId, {bool? decode}) Future<Response>
Get email content as HTML. For displaying emails in browser context.
Parse and return list of links found in an email (only works for HTML content)
getEmailLinksWithHttpInfo(String emailId) Future<Response>
Parse and return list of links found in an email (only works for HTML content)
getEmailPreviewURLs(String emailId) Future<EmailPreviewUrls?>
Get email URLs for viewing in browser or downloading
getEmailPreviewURLsWithHttpInfo(String emailId) Future<Response>
Get email URLs for viewing in browser or downloading
getEmailsPaginated({List<String>? inboxId, int? page, int? size, String? sort, bool? unreadOnly, String? searchFilter, DateTime? since, DateTime? before}) Future<PageEmailProjection?>
Get all emails in all inboxes in paginated form. Email API list all.
getEmailsPaginatedWithHttpInfo({List<String>? inboxId, int? page, int? size, String? sort, bool? unreadOnly, String? searchFilter, DateTime? since, DateTime? before}) Future<Response>
Get all emails in all inboxes in paginated form. Email API list all.
getEmailTextLines(String emailId, {bool? decodeHtmlEntities, String? lineSeparator}) Future<EmailTextLinesResult?>
Parse and return text from an email, stripping HTML and decoding encoded characters
getEmailTextLinesWithHttpInfo(String emailId, {bool? decodeHtmlEntities, String? lineSeparator}) Future<Response>
Parse and return text from an email, stripping HTML and decoding encoded characters
getEmailWithHttpInfo(String emailId, {bool? decode}) Future<Response>
Get email content including headers and body. Expects email to exist by ID. For emails that may not have arrived yet use the WaitForController.
getGravatarUrlForEmailAddress(String emailAddress, {String? size}) Future<GravatarUrl?>
Get gravatar url for email address
getGravatarUrlForEmailAddressWithHttpInfo(String emailAddress, {String? size}) Future<Response>
Get gravatar url for email address
getLatestEmail({List<String>? inboxIds}) Future<Email?>
Get latest email in all inboxes. Most recently received.
getLatestEmailInInbox1(String inboxId) Future<Email?>
Get latest email in an inbox. Use WaitForController to get emails that may not have arrived yet.
getLatestEmailInInbox1WithHttpInfo(String inboxId) Future<Response>
Get latest email in an inbox. Use WaitForController to get emails that may not have arrived yet.
getLatestEmailWithHttpInfo({List<String>? inboxIds}) Future<Response>
Get latest email in all inboxes. Most recently received.
getOrganizationEmailsPaginated({List<String>? inboxId, int? page, int? size, String? sort, bool? unreadOnly, String? searchFilter, DateTime? since, DateTime? before}) Future<PageEmailProjection?>
Get all organization emails. List team or shared test email accounts
getOrganizationEmailsPaginatedWithHttpInfo({List<String>? inboxId, int? page, int? size, String? sort, bool? unreadOnly, String? searchFilter, DateTime? since, DateTime? before}) Future<Response>
Get all organization emails. List team or shared test email accounts
getRawEmailContents(String emailId) Future<String?>
Get raw email string. Returns unparsed raw SMTP message with headers and body.
getRawEmailContentsWithHttpInfo(String emailId) Future<Response>
Get raw email string. Returns unparsed raw SMTP message with headers and body.
getRawEmailJson(String emailId) Future<RawEmailJson?>
Get raw email in JSON. Unparsed SMTP message in JSON wrapper format.
getRawEmailJsonWithHttpInfo(String emailId) Future<Response>
Get raw email in JSON. Unparsed SMTP message in JSON wrapper format.
getUnreadEmailCount() Future<UnreadCount?>
Get unread email count
getUnreadEmailCountWithHttpInfo() Future<Response>
Get unread email count
markAsRead(String emailId, {bool? read}) Future<EmailPreview?>
Mark an email as read on unread
markAsReadWithHttpInfo(String emailId, {bool? read}) Future<Response>
Mark an email as read on unread
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
replyToEmail(String emailId, ReplyToEmailOptions replyToEmailOptions) Future<SentEmailDto?>
Reply to an email
replyToEmailWithHttpInfo(String emailId, ReplyToEmailOptions replyToEmailOptions) Future<Response>
Reply to an email
sendEmailSourceOptional(SendEmailOptions sendEmailOptions, {String? inboxId, bool? useDomainPool, bool? virtualSend}) Future<void>
Send email
sendEmailSourceOptionalWithHttpInfo(SendEmailOptions sendEmailOptions, {String? inboxId, bool? useDomainPool, bool? virtualSend}) Future<Response>
Send email
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
validateEmail(String emailId) Future<ValidationDto?>
Validate email HTML contents
validateEmailWithHttpInfo(String emailId) Future<Response>
Validate email HTML contents


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.