MhItemsViewSettings<T> class
Settings to control the behavior of the MhItemsView
MhItemsViewSettings({double rowHeight = 52, double getRowHeight(T item)?, Color getRowBackgroundColor(T item)?, bool displayHeader = true, double headerHeight = 56, bool multiLineEdit = true, MhStatusViewSettings<
T> ? statusViewSettings, MhItemsViewSelectionSettings? selectionSettings, MhItemsViewDragDropSettings<T> ? dragDropSettings, MhItemsViewTextSettings? textSettings, MhItemsViewEvents<T> ? events})
- displayHeader ↔ bool
if true, a header row ist displayed
Default is true
getter/setter pair
↔ MhItemsViewDragDropSettings<
T> -
settings to control the drag and drop behavior of MhItemsView
getter/setter pair
↔ MhItemsViewEvents<
T> -
Subscribe to Events of the grid
getter/setter pair
- getRowBackgroundColor ↔ Color Function(T item)?
individual rowBackground - if not set Colors.Transparent is used
getter/setter pair
- getRowHeight ↔ double Function(T item)?
individual rowHeigth per row / item - if != null rowHeight is not used any more
getter/setter pair
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
- headerHeight ↔ double
if displayHeader is true you can set the height of the header row here
Default is 56
getter/setter pair
- multiLineEdit ↔ bool
if true and multiselect is active the user can select multiple rows
and any edit will affect all selected rows (in the same column)
getter/setter pair
- rowHeight ↔ double
RowHeight for all Rows if getRowHeight == null
Default is 52
getter/setter pair
- runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
- selectionSettings ↔ MhItemsViewSelectionSettings
settings to control the selection behavior of MhItemsView
getter/setter pair
↔ MhStatusViewSettings<
T> ? -
settings to control the MhStatusView if != null the MhItemsView displays a MhStatusView on the right side of the MhItemsView
getter/setter pair
- textSettings ↔ MhItemsViewTextSettings
settings to control or translate all used strings in the MhItemsView
getter/setter pair
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.
Static Methods
String text, double width, double fontSize) → double - you can use this helper function to calculate / measure the height of a text with a given width (e.g. = colWidth) and fontSize but be aware, that the performance of this function is not really good because it has to measure the text and this is a quite complicated thing...