(Last Update of this info: 29th of December 2024)
Known Bugs:
- There is a bug in flutters TwoDimensionalScrollView. Scrolling horizontally by draging the scroll handle with the mouse is kind of broken. Using the shift key and mouse scroll weel is a workaround.
- As soon as the flutter team has solved this bug, it will be gone in MhItemsView as well.
MaHop DataTable and more - What is included?
Widget to display a DataTable, ListView with Virtual Scrolling
With a lot of functionality build in
- perfect virtual scrolling even with individual row heights
- drag and drop reorder
- drag and drop from and to other widgets
- sorting and filtering
- column reorder and resize
- saving the layout (current column width, positions and visibility) to a JSON string
- inline edit, multiline edit
- selection with different selection modes
- jump to row
- ...
- and much more - see demo app and features section below
Pro Version with extended functionality
- TreeView,
- TreeListView (hierachical DataTable)
Demos, Sample Code and Pro Version
Screenshot of the first sample in the demo app
- Like the project on pub.dev
- Use the code and report bugs
- You can support development buying one or more glasses of orange juice. (or cups of coffee)
- Buy a Pro license on https://flutter.mahop.net (from 150,- EURO / year)
Perfect virtual scrolling using flutters TwoDimensionalScrollView
- Display a million and more rows with high performance
- Display rows with different RowHeights
Advanced Drag and Drop
- Reordering (built in)
- Multi Drag and Drop (also for reordering)
- Drag and Drop to and from other Widgets
- from DataTable to and from another DataTable
- from DataTable to and from a TreeView
- from DataTable to a Flutter DropTarget
- from GridView to and from a ListView
- ... and so on ...
- Auto scrolling during drag and drop
Column resize and reorder on DataTable and TreeListView
- Saving the current state as JSON string
- Applying as saved state from JSON string
JumpTo(item) with height performance
- Single selection
- CheckBox selection (mutliple items)
- Extended selection - for Desktop with Mouse click + shift and/or ctrl keys (multiple items)
- Extended selection can be combined with CheckBox selection
And more to come in the next versions...
// ----------------------------------------------
// - Sample build function - very simple usecase
// ----------------------------------------------
Widget buildMhItemsView(BuildContext context) {
// --------------------------------------------
// - Build some sample data
// --------------------------------------------
final List<ExampleItem> items = [];
for (var i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {
items.add(ExampleItem(text: "Example Item $i", index: i));
// --------------------------------------------
// - Build the Column definitions you need
// --------------------------------------------
List<MhItemsViewColumnDef<ExampleItem>> columnDefs = [];
columnDefs.add(MhItemsViewColumnDef<ExampleItem>(id: "index", header: "Index", columnWidth: 50, getDisplayValue: (item) => item.index));
columnDefs.add(MhItemsViewColumnDef<ExampleItem>(id: "text", header: "Text", columnWidth: 250, getDisplayValue: (item) => item.text));
columnDefs.add(MhItemsViewColumnDef<ExampleItem>(id: "calculated", header: "Calculated", columnWidth: 250, getDisplayValue: (item) => item.index * item.index));
// --------------------------------------------
// - apply needed settings
// --------------------------------------------
final settings = MhItemsViewSettings<ExampleItem>(rowHeight: 25, headerHeight: 30, displayHeader: true);
return MhItemsView<ExampleItem>(itemsSource: items, columnDefs: columnDefs, settings: settings),
Additional information
Go to https://flutter.mahop.net to learn more about the widget and look at the demos with sample code.
- main
- The main widget of this library is MhItemsView - for more infos see MhItemsView
- mh_drag_utils/mh_accept_drop_result
- mh_drag_utils/mh_drag_drop_provider
- mh_drag_utils/mh_drag_move_result
- mh_drag_utils/mh_drag_source_interface
- mh_drag_utils/mh_drag_start_result
- mh_drag_utils/mh_drag_state
- mh_items_view/grid_views/mh_items_grid_view
- mh_items_view/grid_views/mh_items_grid_view_port
- mh_items_view/grid_views/render_mh_items_grid_view_port
- mh_items_view/mh_items_view
- mh_items_view/mh_items_view_settings
- mh_items_view/mh_items_view_theme
- mh_items_view/utils/mh_items_view_row
- mh_items_view/utils/mh_items_view_scroll_controller
- mh_overlays/mh_popup
- mh_random_data_generators/addresses/random_address
- mh_random_data_generators/addresses/random_address_generator
- mh_status_view/mh_status_view
- mh_status_view/mh_status_view_settings
- mh_text/mh_body_large
- mh_text/mh_body_medium
- mh_text/mh_body_small
- mh_text/mh_bullet_list
- mh_text/mh_formated_text
- mh_text/mh_headline_large
- mh_text/mh_headline_medium
- mh_text/mh_headline_small
- mh_text/mh_label_large
- mh_text/mh_label_medium
- mh_text/mh_label_small
- mh_text/mh_space
- mh_text/mh_title_large
- mh_text/mh_title_medium
- mh_text/mh_title_small