MhItemsViewDragDropSettings<T> class
Provides settings to control the drag and Drop behavior of the MhItemsView
MhItemsViewDragDropSettings({bool allowReorder = false, bool showReorderColumn = false, bool allowDrag = false, bool allowDrop = false, MhDropMode defaultDropMode = MhDropMode.move, MhItemsViewDragDropModes dragDropMode = MhItemsViewDragDropModes.fullRow, void itemsChanged(List<
T> items)?, int getSortPos(T item)?, void setSortPos(T item, int sortPos)?, MhDragMoveResult onDragMove(BuildContext context, MhDragState dragState, T? dropTargetItem)?, MhDragStartResult onDragStart(MhDragState dragState)?, MhAcceptDropResult onAcceptDrop(MhDragState dragState, List<T> droppedItems, T? targetItem)?, void onDropAccepted(MhDragState dragState, List<T> droppedItems, T? targetItem)?})
- allowDrag ↔ bool
If true the user can drag the items
set allowDrag to true and use allowDragStart to fine tune the check
getter/setter pair
- allowDrop ↔ bool
If true the user can drop items here
Set allowDrop to true and use onDragMove to fine tune the check
getter/setter pair
- allowReorder ↔ bool
If true the user can reorder the items via drag and drop
getter/setter pair
- defaultDropMode ↔ MhDropMode
If true the user can drop the items
getter/setter pair
- dragDropMode ↔ MhItemsViewDragDropModes
Wether the row can be dragged only with the handle displayed
by the reorder Column or by grabbing the complete row
getter/setter pair
- dropTargetBorderThickness ↔ double
How thick the Drop Target Locators should be
Drop Target Locators are lines in primary color, to show the user the position
where the dragged items will be dropped during the dragDrop operation
Default is 5
getter/setter pair
- getSortPos ↔ int Function(T item)?
If you allow reorder and this function is set, it is used to sort the items
If within a treeView the sortPos is used to sort the items within the parent
getter/setter pair
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
↔ void Function(List<
T> items)? -
getter/setter pair
↔ MhAcceptDropResult Function(MhDragState dragState, List<
T> droppedItems, T? targetItem)? -
This function is called if a Drag Drop Action occured from another MhItemsView or another widget
This function should - if needed - create the new items from the list of dropped items and return them
otherwise the droppedItems are used to be integrated into the list
getter/setter pair
- onDragMove ↔ MhDragMoveResult Function(BuildContext context, MhDragState dragState, T? dropTargetItem)?
This function is called on the drag target where the dragged items are beeing dragged over
Inside this function you should manipulate the dragState.
e.g. finetune the allowed Drop Modes according to the items
being dragged and the current targetItem
getter/setter pair
- onDragStart ↔ MhDragStartResult Function(MhDragState dragState)?
This function is called if a Drag Operation is starting
Inside this function you can manipulate the dragState.
e.g. finetune the allowed Drop Modes according to the items being dragged
getter/setter pair
↔ void Function(MhDragState dragState, List<
T> droppedItems, T? targetItem)? -
This function is called on the source if the target accepted the Drop
getter/setter pair
- runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
- setSortPos ↔ void Function(T item, int sortPos)?
If you allow reorder this function is used to set the new sort position
getter/setter pair
- showReorderColumn ↔ bool
if true a column with a reorder icon is shown as the first col
(allowReorder needs to be true also)
getter/setter pair
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.