LDConfig constructor

  1. String sdkCredential,
  2. AutoEnvAttributes autoEnvAttributes, {
  3. ApplicationInfo? applicationInfo,
  4. HttpProperties? httpProperties,
  5. ServiceEndpoints? serviceEndpoints,
  6. EventsConfig? events,
  7. PersistenceConfig? persistence,
  8. bool? offline,
  9. LDLogger? logger,
  10. DataSourceConfig? dataSourceConfig,
  11. bool? allAttributesPrivate,
  12. List<String>? globalPrivateAttributes,
  13. ApplicationEvents? applicationEvents,

sdkCredential set the credential for the SDK. This can be either a mobile key or a client-side ID depending on the build configuration. Refer to CredentialSource.fromEnvironment for information about selecting the correct key during build time.

autoEnvAttributes controls the collection of automatic environment attributes. It is required to be provided.

applicationInfo sets information about the application where the LaunchDarkly SDK is running.

httpProperties contains common http configuration which will apply to all http requests made by the SDK. As different platforms have different constraints, and the SDK adds its own configuration (additional headers for instance), not all settings are guaranteed to apply to all connections on all platforms. Generally this option will not need to be specified.

serviceEndpoints specifies the base service URIs used by SDK components. Generally the endpoints will not need to be set unless you are using the federal instance, relay proxy, or have specific network constraints.

events defines configuration for analytics and diagnostic events.

offline is used to disable all network calls from the LaunchDarkly client. Setting offline here will make the SDK permanently offline. You can temporarily make the SDK offline using the offline property of the client.

logger can be used to customize the logging done by the SDK.

dataSourceConfig contains settings for the SDK's data sources.

applicationEvents controls how the SDK responds to events which affect the application like network connectivity and foreground state.

allAttributesPrivate specifies that all attributes are to be marked private.

globalPrivateAttributes is a list of attribute references that will be marked private.


LDConfig(super.sdkCredential, super.autoEnvAttributes,
    ApplicationEvents? applicationEvents})
    : applicationEvents = applicationEvents ?? ApplicationEvents();