fromEnvironment static method

String fromEnvironment()

Load a credential, either a client-side ID or mobile key, from the environment.

A client-side ID may be specified as LAUNCHDARKLY_CLIENT_SIDE_ID.

A mobile key may be specified as LAUNCHDARKLY_MOBILE_KEY.

The CredentialSource will expect one of these two environment variables to be set, but not both. The intent is that the built package will contain only the type of credential it needs.

The credential can be provided on the command line when building or running the application using the SDK.

Browser example:

flutter run --dart-define LAUNCHDARKLY_CLIENT_SIDE_ID=MyClientSideId -d Chrome

Running a windows app:

flutter run --dart-define LAUNCHDARKLY_MOBILE_KEY=MyMobileKey -d windows


static String fromEnvironment() {
  final clientSideId =
      const String.fromEnvironment('LAUNCHDARKLY_CLIENT_SIDE_ID');
  final mobileKey = const String.fromEnvironment('LAUNCHDARKLY_MOBILE_KEY');

  if (clientSideId != '' && mobileKey != '') {
    throw Exception('When building an application using the SDK you should '
        'include either a client-side ID, or a mobile key, but not both');

  switch (DefaultConfig.credentialConfig.credentialType) {
    case CredentialType.mobileKey:
      if (mobileKey == '') {
        throw Exception(
            'The mobile key was not specified, but must be for this build '
            'type. All non-web builds use the mobile key.');
      return mobileKey;
    case CredentialType.clientSideId:
      if (clientSideId == '') {
        throw Exception(
            'The client-side ID was not specified, but must be for this build'
            ' type. Web builds required a client-side ID');
      return clientSideId;