producer topic

In Klutter terminology a producer is a project for creating (producing) a plugin with Klutter.

A producer project is basically a Flutter plugin project with an extra Kotlin Multiplatform module where all (native) platform code will be written.

The following producer tasks are available:

  • kradle create (create new klutter project)
  • kradle init (initialize Klutter in an existing flutter project)


CreateProject producer tasks
Task to create a new klutter project.
CreateProject producer tasks
Task to create a new klutter project.
CreateProject producer tasks
Task to create a new klutter project.
GetFlutterSDK consumer producer tasks
Task to download a Flutter SDK to Klutter cache.
GetFlutterSDK consumer producer tasks
Task to download a Flutter SDK to Klutter cache.
GetFlutterSDK consumer producer tasks
Task to download a Flutter SDK to Klutter cache.
Gradle producer gradle
Copy Gradle files to root and root/android folders to enable the usage of Gradle.
Gradle producer gradle
Copy Gradle files to root and root/android folders to enable the usage of Gradle.
Gradle producer gradle
Copy Gradle files to root and root/android folders to enable the usage of Gradle.
ProjectInit consumer producer tasks
Task to prepare a flutter project for using klutter plugins.
ProjectInit consumer producer tasks
Task to prepare a flutter project for using klutter plugins.
ProjectInit consumer producer tasks
Task to prepare a flutter project for using klutter plugins.


addFrameworkAndSetIosVersionInPodspec({required String pathToIos, required String pluginName, required double iosVersion}) → void producer
Edit the root/ios/
addFrameworkAndSetIosVersionInPodspec({required String pathToIos, required String pluginName, required double iosVersion}) → void producer
Edit the root/ios/
addFrameworkAndSetIosVersionInPodspec({required String pathToIos, required String pluginName, required double iosVersion}) → void producer
Edit the root/ios/
createIosKlutterFolder(String pathToIos) → void producer
Create the root/ios/Klutter directory and add a readme file.
createIosKlutterFolder(String pathToIos) → void producer
Create the root/ios/Klutter directory and add a readme file.
createIosKlutterFolder(String pathToIos) → void producer
Create the root/ios/Klutter directory and add a readme file.
createPlatformModule({required String pathToRoot, required String pluginName, required String packageName}) → void producer
Generate the Kotlin Multiplatform module.
createPlatformModule({required String pathToRoot, required String pluginName, required String packageName}) → void producer
Generate the Kotlin Multiplatform module.
createPlatformModule({required String pathToRoot, required String pluginName, required String packageName}) → void producer
Generate the Kotlin Multiplatform module.
deleteRootAndroidManifestFile({required String pathToAndroid}) → void producer
Delete the root/android/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml File because it is only used to set the package name, which is not supported from AGP 8.0+.
deleteRootAndroidManifestFile({required String pathToAndroid}) → void producer
Delete the root/android/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml File because it is only used to set the package name, which is not supported from AGP 8.0+.
deleteRootAndroidManifestFile({required String pathToAndroid}) → void producer
Delete the root/android/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml File because it is only used to set the package name, which is not supported from AGP 8.0+.
findDependencyPath({required String pathToSDK, required String pathToRoot, required String pluginName}) String consumer producer
Get the relative path of a plugin dependency.
findDependencyPath({required String pathToSDK, required String pathToRoot, required String pluginName}) String consumer producer
Get the relative path of a plugin dependency.
findDependencyPath({required String pathToSDK, required String pathToRoot, required String pluginName}) String consumer producer
Get the relative path of a plugin dependency.
findKlutterBomVersion(String pathToRoot) String? consumer producer
Find the version of klutter bill-of-materials in root/kradle.yaml or return null.
findKlutterBomVersion(String pathToRoot) String? consumer producer
Find the version of klutter bill-of-materials in root/kradle.yaml or return null.
findKlutterBomVersion(String pathToRoot) String? consumer producer
Find the version of klutter bill-of-materials in root/kradle.yaml or return null.
findPackageName(String pathToRoot) String consumer producer
Find package name in root/pubspec.yaml.
findPackageName(String pathToRoot) String consumer producer
Find package name in root/pubspec.yaml.
findPackageName(String pathToRoot) String consumer producer
Find package name in root/pubspec.yaml.
findPluginName(String pathToRoot) String consumer producer
Find plugin name in root/pubspec.yaml.
findPluginName(String pathToRoot) String consumer producer
Find plugin name in root/pubspec.yaml.
findPluginName(String pathToRoot) String consumer producer
Find plugin name in root/pubspec.yaml.
findPluginVersion(String pathToRoot) String consumer producer
Find plugin name in root/pubspec.yaml.
findPluginVersion(String pathToRoot) String consumer producer
Find plugin name in root/pubspec.yaml.
findPluginVersion(String pathToRoot) String consumer producer
Find plugin name in root/pubspec.yaml.
toPluginClassName(String pluginName, {bool postfixWithPlugin = false}) String consumer producer
The plugin ClassName which is equal to the library name converted to camelcase + 'Plugin' postfix if postfixWithPlugin is set to true.
toPluginClassName(String pluginName, {bool postfixWithPlugin = false}) String consumer producer
The plugin ClassName which is equal to the library name converted to camelcase + 'Plugin' postfix if postfixWithPlugin is set to true.
toPluginClassName(String pluginName, {bool postfixWithPlugin = false}) String consumer producer
The plugin ClassName which is equal to the library name converted to camelcase + 'Plugin' postfix if postfixWithPlugin is set to true.
writeAndroidPlugin({required String pathToAndroid, required String packageName, required String pluginName}) → void producer
Overwrite the method channel Kotlin Class in src/main/kotlin.
writeAndroidPlugin({required String pathToAndroid, required String packageName, required String pluginName}) → void producer
Overwrite the method channel Kotlin Class in src/main/kotlin.
writeAndroidPlugin({required String pathToAndroid, required String packageName, required String pluginName}) → void producer
Overwrite the method channel Kotlin Class in src/main/kotlin.
writeBuildGradleFile({required String pathToAndroid, required String packageName, required String pluginName, required String pluginVersion, required String klutterBomVersion}) → void producer
Overwrite the build.gradle file in the root/android folder.
writeBuildGradleFile({required String pathToAndroid, required String packageName, required String pluginName, required String pluginVersion, required String klutterBomVersion}) → void producer
Overwrite the build.gradle file in the root/android folder.
writeBuildGradleFile({required String pathToAndroid, required String packageName, required String pluginName, required String pluginVersion, required String klutterBomVersion}) → void producer
Overwrite the build.gradle file in the root/android folder.
writeExampleMainDartFile({required String pathToExample, required String pluginName}) → void producer
Generate the main.dart file in the root/example/lib folder.
writeExampleMainDartFile({required String pathToExample, required String pluginName}) → void producer
Generate the main.dart file in the root/example/lib folder.
writeExampleMainDartFile({required String pathToExample, required String pluginName}) → void producer
Generate the main.dart file in the root/example/lib folder.
writeGradleProperties(String pathToRoot) → void producer gradle
Generate the build.gradle.kts file in the root folder.
writeGradleProperties(String pathToRoot) → void producer gradle
Generate the build.gradle.kts file in the root folder.
writeGradleProperties(String pathToRoot) → void producer gradle
Generate the build.gradle.kts file in the root folder.
writeKlutterGradleFile(String pathToAndroid) → void producer
Create the android/klutter folder if it does not exist.
writeKlutterGradleFile(String pathToAndroid) → void producer
Create the android/klutter folder if it does not exist.
writeKlutterGradleFile(String pathToAndroid) → void producer
Create the android/klutter folder if it does not exist.
writeRootBuildGradleFile({required String pathToRoot, required String pluginName, required String klutterBomVersion}) → void producer gradle
Generate the build.gradle.kts file in the root folder.
writeRootBuildGradleFile({required String pathToRoot, required String pluginName, required String klutterBomVersion}) → void producer gradle
Generate the build.gradle.kts file in the root folder.
writeRootBuildGradleFile({required String pathToRoot, required String pluginName, required String klutterBomVersion}) → void producer gradle
Generate the build.gradle.kts file in the root folder.
writeRootSettingsGradleFile({required String pathToRoot, required String pluginName}) → void producer gradle
Generate the settings.gradle.kts file in the root folder.
writeRootSettingsGradleFile({required String pathToRoot, required String pluginName}) → void producer gradle
Generate the settings.gradle.kts file in the root folder.
writeRootSettingsGradleFile({required String pathToRoot, required String pluginName}) → void producer gradle
Generate the settings.gradle.kts file in the root folder.


TaskOption consumer producer tasks
List of available scripts options.
TaskOption consumer producer tasks
List of available scripts options.
TaskOption consumer producer tasks
List of available scripts options.