consumer topic

In Klutter terminology a consumer is a project using (consuming) a plugin that is made with Klutter.

Klutter plugins contain native artifacts. These are .aar files for Android and Frameworks for iOS. A standard Flutter project won't be able to find these artifacts for a Klutter plugin which means they won't work.

To work with Klutter plugins the following 2 tasks are required:

  • kradle init (initialize Klutter in your project)
  • kradle add (add a Klutter plugin to your project)


AddLibrary consumer tasks
Task to add a Klutter-made Flutter plugin to a Flutter project.
GetFlutterSDK consumer producer tasks
Task to download a Flutter SDK to Klutter cache.
ProjectInit consumer producer tasks
Task to prepare a flutter project for using klutter plugins.


applyPluginLoader(String pathToAndroid) → void consumer
Add apply plugin line to android/settings.gradle file.
createRegistry(String pathToRoot) File consumer
Create registry file .klutter-plugins.
findDependencyPath({required String pathToSDK, required String pathToRoot, required String pluginName}) String consumer producer
Get the relative path of a plugin dependency.
findFlutterSDK(String pathToAndroid) String consumer
Get the path to the local Flutter SDK installation as configured in the root-project/android/ folder.
findKlutterBomVersion(String pathToRoot) String? consumer producer
Find the version of klutter bill-of-materials in root/kradle.yaml or return null.
findPackageName(String pathToRoot) String consumer producer
Find package name in root/pubspec.yaml.
findPluginName(String pathToRoot) String consumer producer
Find plugin name in root/pubspec.yaml.
findPluginVersion(String pathToRoot) String consumer producer
Find plugin name in root/pubspec.yaml.
registerPlugin({required String pathToRoot, required String pluginName, required String pluginLocation}) → void consumer
Create and/or append the .klutter-plugins file to register a Klutter plugin.
setAndroidSdkConstraints(String pathToAndroid) → void consumer
Update Android SDK version constraints in the root/android/build.gradle file.
setIosVersionInPodFile(Directory iosDirectory, double version) → void consumer
Create the root/ios/Klutter directory and add a readme file.
setKotlinVersionInBuildGradle(String pathToAndroid) → void consumer
Update the kotlin_version variable in root/android/build.gradle file to kotlinVersion.
toPluginClassName(String pluginName, {bool postfixWithPlugin = false}) String consumer producer
The plugin ClassName which is equal to the library name converted to camelcase + 'Plugin' postfix if postfixWithPlugin is set to true.
writeAndroidAppBuildGradleFile({required String pathToAndroid, required String packageName, required String pluginName}) → void consumer
Overwrite the build.gradle File in android/app.
writeAndroidBuildGradleFile({required String pathToAndroid, required String packageName, required String pluginName}) → void consumer
Overwrite the build.gradle File in android.
writePluginLoaderGradleFile(String pathToFlutterSDK) → void consumer
Generate a new gradle file in the flutter/tools/gradle folder which will apply Klutter plugins to a Flutter project.


TaskOption consumer producer tasks
List of available scripts options.