BaseChartPainter class abstract




BaseChartPainter(ChartStyle chartStyle, {List<KLineEntity>? datas, required double scaleX, required double scrollX, required bool isLongPress, required double selectX, required double xFrontPadding, required BaseDimension baseDimension, bool isOnTap = false, MainState mainState = MainState.MA, bool volHidden = false, bool isTapShowInfoDialog = false, Set<SecondaryState> secondaryStateLi = const <SecondaryState>{}, bool isLine = false})
constructor BaseChartPainter


baseDimension BaseDimension
base dimension
chartStyle ChartStyle
datas List<KLineEntity>?
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
isLine bool
getter/setter pair
isLongPress bool
getter/setter pair
isOnTap bool
getter/setter pair
isTapShowInfoDialog bool
getter/setter pair
mainState MainState
getter/setter pair
mBottomPadding double
getter/setter pair
mChildPadding double
getter/setter pair
mDataLen double
getter/setter pair
mDisplayHeight double
getter/setter pair
mFormats List<String>
getter/setter pair
mGridColumns int
getter/setter pair
mGridRows int
getter/setter pair
mItemCount int
getter/setter pair
mMainHighMaxValue double
getter/setter pair
mMainLowMinValue double
getter/setter pair
mMainMaxIndex int
getter/setter pair
mMainMaxValue double
getter/setter pair
mMainMinIndex int
getter/setter pair
mMainMinValue double
getter/setter pair
mMainRect Rect
Rectangle box of main chart
getter/setter pair
mPointWidth double
getter/setter pair
mSecondaryRectList List<RenderRect>
Secondary list support
getter/setter pair
mStartIndex int
getter/setter pair
mStopIndex int
getter/setter pair
mTopPadding double
getter/setter pair
mTranslateX double
getter/setter pair
mVolMaxValue double
getter/setter pair
mVolMinValue double
getter/setter pair
mVolRect Rect?
Rectangle box of the vol chart
getter/setter pair
mWidth double
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
scaleX double
getter/setter pair
scrollX double
getter/setter pair
secondaryStateLi Set<SecondaryState>
getter/setter pair
selectX double
getter/setter pair
semanticsBuilder SemanticsBuilderCallback?
Returns a function that builds semantic information for the picture drawn by this painter.
no setterinherited
volHidden bool
getter/setter pair
xFrontPadding double
getter/setter pair


addListener(VoidCallback listener) → void
Register a closure to be notified when it is time to repaint.
calculateSelectedX(double selectX) int
calculate the value of x after long pressing and convert to index
calculateValue() → dynamic
calculate values
drawBg(Canvas canvas, Size size) → void
draw the background of chart
drawChart(Canvas canvas, Size size) → void
draw chart
drawCrossLine(Canvas canvas, Size size) → void
draw cross line
drawCrossLineText(Canvas canvas, Size size) → void
draw text of the cross line
drawDate(Canvas canvas, Size size) → void
draw date
drawGrid(dynamic canvas) → void
draw the grid of chart
drawMaxAndMin(Canvas canvas) → void
draw maximum and minimum values
drawNowPrice(Canvas canvas) → void
draw the current price
drawText(Canvas canvas, KLineEntity data, double x) → void
draw text
drawVerticalText(dynamic canvas) → void
draw vertical text
getItem(int position) KLineEntity
getMainMaxMinValue(KLineEntity item, int i) → void
compute maximum and minimum value
getMinTranslateX() double
get the minimum value of translation
getSecondaryMaxMinValue(int index, KLineEntity item) → dynamic
getTextStyle(Color color) TextStyle
define text style
getVolMaxMinValue(KLineEntity item) → void
getX(int position) double
Get x coordinate based on index
hitTest(Offset position) bool?
Called whenever a hit test is being performed on an object that is using this custom paint delegate.
indexOfTranslateX(double translateX) int
initChartRenderer() → void
init chart renderer
initFormats() → void
init format time
initRect(Size size) → void
init the rectangle box to draw chart
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) → void
paint chart
removeListener(VoidCallback listener) → void
Remove a previously registered closure from the list of closures that the object notifies when it is time to repaint.
setTranslateXFromScrollX(double scrollX) → void
scrollX convert to TranslateX
shouldRebuildSemantics(covariant CustomPainter oldDelegate) bool
Called whenever a new instance of the custom painter delegate class is provided to the RenderCustomPaint object, or any time that a new CustomPaint object is created with a new instance of the custom painter delegate class (which amounts to the same thing, because the latter is implemented in terms of the former).
shouldRepaint(covariant BaseChartPainter oldDelegate) bool
Called whenever a new instance of the custom painter delegate class is provided to the RenderCustomPaint object, or any time that a new CustomPaint object is created with a new instance of the custom painter delegate class (which amounts to the same thing, because the latter is implemented in terms of the former).
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
translateXtoX(double translateX) double
translateX is converted to X in view
xToTranslateX(double x) double


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

maxScrollX double
getter/setter pair