SdbTransactionStoreRefExtension<K extends KeyBase, V extends ValueBase> extension

Transaction store actions.



name String

Available on SdbTransactionStoreRef<K, V>, provided by the SdbTransactionStoreRefExtension extension

store name.
no setter


add(V value) Future<K>

Available on SdbTransactionStoreRef<K, V>, provided by the SdbTransactionStoreRefExtension extension

count({SdbBoundaries<K>? boundaries}) Future<int>

Available on SdbTransactionStoreRef<K, V>, provided by the SdbTransactionStoreRefExtension extension

Count record.
delete(K key) Future<void>

Available on SdbTransactionStoreRef<K, V>, provided by the SdbTransactionStoreRefExtension extension

deleteRecords({SdbBoundaries<K>? boundaries, int? offset, int? limit}) Future<void>

Available on SdbTransactionStoreRef<K, V>, provided by the SdbTransactionStoreRefExtension extension

Delete records.
findRecordKeys({SdbBoundaries<K>? boundaries, int? offset, int? limit}) Future<List<SdbRecordKey<K, V>>>

Available on SdbTransactionStoreRef<K, V>, provided by the SdbTransactionStoreRefExtension extension

Find record keys.
findRecords({SdbBoundaries<K>? boundaries, int? offset, int? limit}) Future<List<SdbRecordSnapshot<K, V>>>

Available on SdbTransactionStoreRef<K, V>, provided by the SdbTransactionStoreRefExtension extension

Find records.
getRecord(K key) Future<SdbRecordSnapshot<K, V>?>

Available on SdbTransactionStoreRef<K, V>, provided by the SdbTransactionStoreRefExtension extension

Get a single record.
put(K? key, V value) Future<void>

Available on SdbTransactionStoreRef<K, V>, provided by the SdbTransactionStoreRefExtension extension
