icon library

🙋‍♂️ I'm an Icon Too!

+ 🗜️ extension IconUtils on Icon 🔽

An extended Icon "too" for those that are not actually square, because Flutter's native Icon "assumes that the rendered icon is squared", plus 👥 shadows support.

const IconToo(icon, {key, sizeX?, sizeY?, color?, shadows?, alignment?, semanticLabel?, textDirection?})
  • Builds an Icon-akin widget set inside a SizedBox of sizeX and sizeY with given icon data.
  • Customize with optional 🎨 color or 👥 shadows, a List<Shadow> like TextStyle.
  • The alignment and textDirection are handled, but may be overridden if necessary.
  • Replete with proper Semantics and debug Propertys.

Assumed to be wide, super Icon.size is assigned sizeX ?? sizeY.

  • This affects situations that look for an Icon.size, like IconButton
  • A solution for taller icons exists: IconToo.tall
    • Where the only difference is the order of assignment to Icon.size: sizeY ?? sizeX

🗜️ Icon Utilities

  • 📋 copyWith optional replacement values
  • 👆 operator >(VoidCallback onTap)IconButton
  • operator +(inflate)size += inflation
  • operator -(deflate)size -= deflation
  • operator *(dynamic operation)
    • operation is Colorcolor = operation
    • operation is numsize *= operation
  • 💥 operator %(dynamic modulation)
    • modulation is List<Color>color = modulation[Random()]
    • modulation is List<num>sizeX *= modulation[random] & sizeY *= modulation[random]

🗜️ IconToo Utilities

📋 copyWith

👆 "Chevron" operator >(VoidCallback onTap)IconButton

➕ "Add" inflation

  • inflation is num: adds to sizeX & sizeY the same
  • inflation is List<num> (length==2): ramps X += inflation[0] & Y += inflation[1]

➖ "Subtract" deflation

  • deflation is num: subtracts from sizeX & sizeY the same
  • deflation is List<num> (length==2): ramps X -= deflation[0] & Y -= deflation[1]

❌ "Multiply" with operation

  • operation is Color: new Color
  • operation is num: multiplies sizeX & sizeY the same
  • operation is List<num> (length==2): ramps X *= operation[0] & Y *=operation[1]

💥 "Modulate" with modulation (randomizer)

  • modulation is List<Color>color: modulation[Random()]
  • modulation is List<num>sizeX *= modulation[Random()] & sizeY *= modulation[Random()] (same Random)

🧦 "And" with padding

  • padding is numEdgeInsets.all(padding)
  • padding is List<num> (length==2) ➡ EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: padding[0], vertical: padding[1])
  • padding is List<num> (length==4) ➡ EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(padding[0], padding[1],padding[2], padding[3])

IconToo as IconButton:

final wideButton = IconButton(
  icon: const IconToo(
    // IconToo passes `fontSize: min(trueSize.width, trueSize.height)`,
    // the shortest side (here: height), to glyph-rendering TextStyle:
    sizeX: 34.0 * 5.0, // Glyph is 5 times wider than tall
    sizeY: 34.0,
  // But the max(), or longest side, is needed to ensure an
  // IconButton has a diameter that encompasses the entire IconToo:
  iconSize: 34.0 * 5.0, // IconToo.asSize.longestSize
  onPressed: () {},


🙋‍♂️ I'm an Icon Too!


IconUtils on Icon
🗜️ Icon Utilities