localizeVersion function

String localizeVersion(
  1. Object modifier,
  2. Object? key,
  3. Translations<dynamic, Map<StringLocale, StringTranslated>, Map<dynamic, StringTranslated>, dynamic> translations, {
  4. String? locale,

Use the localizeVersion method to localize a "translatable string" to the given locale. You must provide the key (which is usually the string you want to translate), a modifier, and the translations object which holds the translations.

You may use an object of any type as the modifier, but it will do a toString() in it and use resulting String. So, make sure your object has a suitable string representation.

If locale is not provided (it's null), the method will use the default locale in DefaultLocale.locale (which may be set with DefaultLocale.set.

If both locale and DefaultLocale.locale are not provided, it defaults to 'en_US'.


String localizeVersion(
  Object modifier,
  Object? key,
  Translations translations, {
  String? locale,
}) =>
    core.localizeVersion(modifier, key, translations, locale: locale ?? I18n.localeStr);