geo/geo library


The GeoAngle class defines an angle that may be given in degrees or radians (but not both). It automatically converts angles to degrees and radians for easier access
The GeoCircle class defines an geometric circle with radius. The class may be used to calculate coordinates on the circle given an angle in radians or degrees.
The GeoCoordinate class defines (x,y,z) coordinates on a 3-dimensional space.
The GeoCoordinate2D class defines (x,y) coordinates on a 2-dimensional plane (w/ z = 0 implied).
The GeoCustomPoints class defines a custom user-defined shape.
The GeoEllipse class defines an geometric ellipse with horizontal radius xRadius, and vertical radius yRadius. The class may be used to calculate coordinates on the ellipse given an angle in radians or degrees.
The GeoPath class is used to generate a smooth Path by rounding corners with cornerRadius units from the corner. If cornerRadius is zero, the coordinates are converted into a Path without rounding corners. Otherwise, the start and end of the curve on two adjacent sides is determined by cornerRadius using a bezeir curve.
The GeoPolygon class defines a n-sided polygon. The class may be used to calculate coordinates and paths of a polygon.
The GeoStar class defines a star pattern with n-leaves. The class may be used to calculate coordinates and paths of a polygon.
The GeoUtility class is used for performing various transformations on coordinates (ie. re-centering, shifting, scaling, etc.).