gizmos_settings_screen library


Button Settings Cell This generates a button cell with an optional icon/image, title, subtitle, and accessory
CupertinoDarkSettingsSkin Modeled to closely resemble a plain settings screen on iOS with Dark Mode enabled
CupertinoSettingsSkin Modeled to closely resemble a plain settings screen on iOS
DefaultSkin Used if no other skin is specified
Details Settings Cell This generates a standard details cell with an optional icon/image, title, subtitle, value and accessory
MaterialSettingsSkin Modeled to closely resemble a plain settings screen on Android with Dark Mode enabled
MaterialSettingsSkin Modeled to closely resemble a plain settings screen on Android
The abstract SettingsCell class that forms the basis for the other specific ...SettingsCell classes This class handles maintaining the MaterialStates of the subclasses and allows for a consistent overall design for each of those subclasses. The state object's build() method will call the subclasses buildContents() method, allowing those subclasses to provide customized internal contents of their cells with consistent interfaces (for both the developer and the user)
SettingsCellState<T extends SettingsCell>
The SettingsScreen manages all of the sections added to this screen
The SettingsSection manages the header, footer and all cells for a particular section It handles adding any required widgets around each of the elements and renders them appropriately
SettingsSkin is an InheritedWidget that wraps your settings screen and allows you to apply a custom skin to be used when rendering the widgets All rendering will be handled by the SettingsSkinDelegate set by your application
The abstract SettingsSkinDelegate class that your skins must subclass This lists the minimum methods that need to be included in your subclasses, though the provided skins sometimes contain some other common methods See DefaultSkin, CupertinoSettingsSkin, CupertinoDarkSettingsSkin, MaterialSettingsSkin, MaterialDarkSettingsSkin for examples of subclasses In most cases, you'll likely want to subclass one of those
Slider Settings Cell This generates a slider cell with an optional icon/image, title, subtitle, value (used to set the initial value of the slider) and accessory
Switch Settings Cell This generates a toggle/switch cell with an optional icon/image, title, subtitle, value (used to set the initial value of the switch) and accessory


AccessoryType an image/icon or custom widget that applies a common meaning to the cell (disclosure -> more info, check -> selected option etc)
ButtonType the type of button so a common UI can be applied, letting the user know what to expect when they press the button


AccessoryTypeAdditions on AccessoryType
Helpful extensions on AccessoryType
ButtonTypeAdditions on ButtonType
Helpful extensions on ButtonType
HexColor on Color
Helpful extensions on Color
MaterialStateSetAdditions on Set<MaterialState>
Helpful extentions on Set<MaterialState>