isReady<T extends Object> method

bool isReady<T extends Object>({
  1. void onReady(
    1. BuildContext context
  2. void onError(
    1. BuildContext context,
    2. Object? error
  3. Duration? timeout,
  4. String? instanceName,

returns true if the registered async or dependent object defined by T and instanceName is ready and call onReady onError handlers when the ready state is reached you can force a timeout Exceptions if isReady hasn't return true within timeout It will trigger a rebuild if this state changes


bool isReady<T extends Object>(
        {void Function(BuildContext context)? onReady,
        void Function(BuildContext context, Object? error)? onError,
        Duration? timeout,
        String? instanceName}) =>
        instanceName: instanceName,
        onReady: onReady,
        onError: onError,
        timeout: timeout);