GetItMixin mixin

Superclass constraints


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
key Key?
Controls how one widget replaces another widget in the tree.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


allReady({void onReady(BuildContext context)?, void onError(BuildContext context, Object? error)?, Duration? timeout}) bool
returns true if all registered async or dependent objects are ready and call onReady onError handlers when the all-ready state is reached you can force a timeout Exceptions if allReady hasn't return true within timeout It will trigger a rebuild if this state changes
allReadyHandler(void onReady(BuildContext context)?, {void onError(BuildContext context, Object? error)?, Duration? timeout}) → void
registers a handler that is called when the all-ready state is reached it does not trigger a rebuild like allReady does you can force a timeout Exceptions if allReady completed within timeout which will call onError
build(BuildContext context) Widget
Describes the part of the user interface represented by this widget.
createElement() StatelessElement
Creates a StatelessElement to manage this widget's location in the tree.
debugDescribeChildren() List<DiagnosticsNode>
Returns a list of DiagnosticsNode objects describing this node's children.
debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) → void
Add additional properties associated with the node.
get<T extends Object>({String? instanceName, dynamic param1, dynamic param2}) → T
all the following functions can be called inside the build function but also in e.g. in initState of a StatefulWidget. The mixin takes care that everything is correctly disposed. retrieves or creates an instance of a registered type T depending on the registration function used for this type or based on a name. for factories you can pass up to 2 parameters param1,param2 they have to match the types given at registration with registerFactoryParam()
getAsync<T extends Object>({String? instanceName, dynamic param1, dynamic param2}) Future<T>
like get but for async registrations
getX<T extends Object, R>(R accessor(T), {String? instanceName}) → R
like get but with an additional select function to return a member of T
isReady<T extends Object>({void onReady(BuildContext context)?, void onError(BuildContext context, Object? error)?, Duration? timeout, String? instanceName}) bool
returns true if the registered async or dependent object defined by T and instanceName is ready and call onReady onError handlers when the ready state is reached you can force a timeout Exceptions if isReady hasn't return true within timeout It will trigger a rebuild if this state changes
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
pushScope({void init(GetIt getIt)?, void dispose()?}) → void
Pushes a new GetIt-Scope. After pushing it executes init where you can register objects that should only exist as long as this scope exists. Can be called inside the build method method of a StatelessWidget. It ensures that it's only called once in the lifetime of a widget. When the widget is destroyed the scope too gets destroyed after dispose is executed. If you use this function and you have registered your objects with an async disposal function, that functions won't be awaited. I would recommend doing pushing and popping from your business layer but sometimes this might come in handy
rebuildOnScopeChanges() bool?
Will triger a rebuild of the Widget if any new GetIt-Scope is pushed or popped This function will return true if the change was a push otherwise false If no change has happend the return value will be null
registerFutureHandler<T extends Object, R>(Future<R> select(T), void handler(BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<R?> newValue, void cancel()), {R? initialValue, String? instanceName}) → void
registers a handler for a Future exactly once on the first build and unregisters is when the widget is destroyed. This handler will only called once when the Future completes. select allows you to register the handler to a member of the of the Object stored in GetIt. If the object itself if the Future pass (x)=>x here If you pass initialValue your passed handler will be executes immediately with that value. All handler get passed in a cancel function that allows to kill the registration from inside the handler. /// if the Future has completed handler will be called every time until the handler calls cancel or the widget is destroyed
registerHandler<T extends Object, R>(ValueListenable<R> select(T), void handler(BuildContext context, R newValue, void cancel()), {bool executeImmediately = false, String? instanceName}) → void
registers a handler for a ValueListenable exactly once on the first build and unregisters is when the widget is destroyed. select allows you to register the handler to a member of the of the Object stored in GetIt. If the object itself if the ValueListenable pass (x)=>x here If you set executeImmediately to true the handler will be called immediately with the current value of the ValueListenable. All handler get passed in a cancel function that allows to kill the registration from inside the handler.
registerStreamHandler<T extends Object, R>(Stream<R?> select(T), void handler(BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<R?> newValue, void cancel()), {R? initialValue, String? instanceName}) → void
registers a handler for a Stream exactly once on the first build and unregisters is when the widget is destroyed. select allows you to register the handler to a member of the of the Object stored in GetIt. If the object itself if the Stream pass (x)=>x here If you pass initialValue your passed handler will be executes immediately with that value All handler get passed in a cancel function that allows to kill the registration from inside the handler.
registerValueListenableHandler<T extends Object, R>(ValueListenable<R> select(T), void handler(BuildContext context, R newValue, void cancel()), {bool executeImmediately = false, String? instanceName}) → void
toDiagnosticsNode({String? name, DiagnosticsTreeStyle? style}) DiagnosticsNode
Returns a debug representation of the object that is used by debugging tools and by DiagnosticsNode.toStringDeep.
toString({DiagnosticLevel minLevel =}) String
A string representation of this object.
toStringDeep({String prefixLineOne = '', String? prefixOtherLines, DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel.debug}) String
Returns a string representation of this node and its descendants.
toStringShallow({String joiner = ', ', DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel.debug}) String
Returns a one-line detailed description of the object.
toStringShort() String
A short, textual description of this widget.
watch<T extends ValueListenable<R>, R>({T? target, String? instanceName}) → R
To observe ValueListenables like get but it also registers a listener to T and triggers a rebuild every time T.value changes If target is not null whatch will observe this Object instead of looking inside GetIt
watchFuture<T extends Object, R>(Future<R> select(T), R initialValue, {String? instanceName, bool preserveState = true}) AsyncSnapshot<R?>
awaits the Future returned by select and triggers a rebuild as soon as the Future completes. After that it returns an AsyncSnapshot with the received data from the Future When you call watchFuture a second time on the same Future it will return the last received data but not observe the Future a another time. To be able to use watchStream inside a build function we have to pass initialValue so that it can return something before the Future has completed if select returns a different Future than on the last call, watchFuture will ignore the completion of the previous Future and observe the completion of the new Future. preserveState determines then if the new initial value should be the last value of the previous stream or again initialValue
watchOnly<T extends Listenable, R>(R only(T)?, {T? target, String? instanceName}) → R
like watch but for simple Listenable objects. It only triggers a rebuild when the value that only returns changes. With that you can react to changes of single members of T If only is null it will trigger a rebuild every time the Listenable changes in this case R has to be equal to T If target is not null whatch will observe this Object as Listenable instead of looking inside GetIt
watchStream<T extends Object, R>(Stream<R> select(T), R initialValue, {String? instanceName, bool preserveState = true}) AsyncSnapshot<R>
subscribes to the Stream returned by select and returns an AsyncSnapshot with the latest received data from the Stream Whenever new data is received it triggers a rebuild. When you call watchStream a second time on the same Stream it will return the last received data but not subscribe another time. To be able to use watchStream inside a build function we have to pass initialValue so that it can return something before it has received the first data if select returns a different Stream than on the last call, watchStream will cancel the previous subscription and subscribe to the new stream. preserveState determines then if the new initial value should be the last value of the previous stream or again initialValue
watchX<T extends Object, R>(ValueListenable<R> select(T), {String? instanceName}) → R
like watch but it only triggers a rebuild when the value of the ValueListenable, that the function select returns changes useful if the ValueListenable is a member of your business object T
watchXOnly<T extends Object, Q extends Listenable, R>(Q select(T), R only(Q listenable), {String? instanceName}) → R
a combination of watchX and watchOnly for simple Listenable members Q of your object T


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.