data library

Geospatial features and geometries (linestring, polygon, multi geometries).

This library exports also all classes of package:geocore/base.dart and package:geocore/coordinates.dart.

Exports also Coords, Position, TransformPosition, CreatePosition, Box and Projection from package:geobase/coordinates.dart.

Exports also Geom, CoordinateContent, SimpleGeometryContent, GeometryContent, GeometryBinaryFormat, FeatureContent, PropertyContent, ContentDecoder, ContentEncoder, BinaryFormat, TextWriterFormat, DefaultFormat, WktLikeFormat, GeoJSON, WKT and WKB from package:geobase/vector.dart.

Usage: import package:geocore/data.dart


A base interface for classes that know their bounds.
BoundedSeries<E extends Bounded>
A base interface for a series (list) of bounded items of type E.
Bounds<T extends Point<num>>
A base interface for bounds (aka a bounding box in 2D).
BoundsBase<T extends Point<num>>
An immutable bounds with min and max points for limits.
A base interface for axis-aligned bounding boxes with min & max coordinates.
CastingPointFactory<T extends Point<num>>
A PointFactory that casts points created by _wrapped to the type T.
An interface to decode content from a text or binary format.
ContentEncoder<Content extends Object>
An interface to encode Content into a text or binary format.
CoordinateFactory<T extends Bounded>
An interface to create Bounded instances of the type T.
The "default" text format for coordinate and geometry objects.
Feature<T extends Geometry>
A feature is a geospatial entity with id, properties and geometry.
FeatureCollection<E extends Feature<Geometry>>
A feature collection with a series of features.
An interface defining the capability to write feature objects.
GeoBounds<T extends GeoPoint>
An immutable geographic bounds with min and max points for limits.
The GeoJSON text format for coordinate, geometry and feature objects.
A base interface for geometry classes.
GeometryCollection<E extends Geometry>
A geometry collection.
A geographic position with longitude, latitude and optional elevation.
An immutable geographic position with longitude and latitude.
An immutable geographic position with longitude, latitude and m (measure).
An immutable geographic position with longitude, latitude and elevation.
An immutable geographic position with longitude, latitude, elev and m.
GeoPointWrapper<T extends GeoPoint>
A geographic position with wrapping a GeoPoint instance.
LineString<T extends Point<num>>
A line string containing a chain of points.
MultiLineString<T extends Point<num>>
A multi line string geometry.
MultiPoint<E extends Point<num>>
A multi point geometry.
MultiPolygon<T extends Point<num>>
A multi polygon geometry.
Point<C extends num>
Point is a read-only position with x, y, z and m coordinates.
An immutable point with X and Y as num values.
An immutable point with X and Y as integer values.
An immutable point with X, Y and M as num values.
An immutable point with X, Y and Z as num values.
An immutable point with X, Y and Z as integer values.
An immutable point with X, Y, Z and M as num values.
PointFactory<T extends Point<num>>
An interface to create Point instances of the type T.
PointSeries<E extends Point<num>>
A base interface for a series of points with getters to access point items.
PointWrapper<T extends Point<C>, C extends num>
A point with getters to access the wrapped point.
Polygon<T extends Point<num>>
A polygon with an exterior and optional interior boundaries.
A base interface for geospatial positions.
ProjectedPoint<C extends num>
A read-only projected (or cartesian) point with x, y, z and m.
An interface to write simple geometry data to format encoders and object builders.
TextWriterFormat<Content extends Object>
An interface to access text format encoders (writers) for Content.
The Well-known binary (WKB) format, see geometry for accessing the format.
The WKT text format for coordinate and geometry objects.
The WKT (like) text format for coordinate and geometry objects.


An enum for coordinate types (by spatial dimension and whether is measured).
An enum for geometry types.
The type for the line string.


BinaryFormat<Content extends Object>
A mixin to access binary format encoders and decoders for Content
An interface to write coordinate data to format encoders and object builders.
An interface to write geospatial feature obejcts to format encoders and object builders.
An interface to write geometry data to format encoders and object builders.
PointSeriesMixin<E extends Point<num>>
A partial implementation of PointSeries as a mixin.
A mixin defining an interface for (geospatial) projections.
An interface to write properties to format encoders and object builders.


rotatePosition2D(num radians, {num? cx, num? cy}) TransformPosition
Returns a function to rotate positions by the radians around the origin.
scalePosition<C extends num>({C? sx, C? sy, C? sz, C? sm}) TransformPosition
Returns a function to scale positions by scale factors for each axis.
scalePositionBy<C extends num>(C scale) TransformPosition
Returns a function to scale positions by the scale factor.
translatePosition<C extends num>({C? dx, C? dy, C? dz, C? dm}) TransformPosition
Returns a function to translate positions by delta values of each axis.


CreatePosition<T extends Position> = T Function({num? m, required num x, required num y, num? z})
Creates a new position of T from x and y, and optional z and m.
ParseCoords = Iterable<num> Function(String text)
A function to parse coordinate values from text.
ParseCoordsInt = Iterable<int> Function(String text)
A function to parse coordinate values as integers from text.
ParseCoordsList = Iterable<Iterable<num>> Function(String text)
A function to parse a list of coordinate values from text.
ParseCoordsListList = Iterable<Iterable<Iterable<num>>> Function(String text)
A function to parse a list of a list of coordinate values from text.
ParseCoordsListListList = Iterable<Iterable<Iterable<Iterable<num>>>> Function(String text)
A function to parse a list of a list of a list of coordinates from text.
TransformPosition = T Function<T extends Position>(T source)
A function to transform the source position of T to a position of T.