scalePositionBy<C extends num> function

TransformPosition scalePositionBy<C extends num>(
  1. C scale

Returns a function to scale positions by the scale factor.


TransformPosition scalePositionBy<C extends num>(C scale) =>
    <T extends Position>(T source) {
      final dim = source.coordinateDimension;
      if (dim == 2) {
        // point is (X, Y)
        return source.copyWith(
          x: scale * source.x,
          y: scale * source.y,
        ) as T;
      } else {
        // point could be (X, Y, Z), (X, Y, M) or (X, Y, Z, M)
        return source.copyWith(
          x: scale * source.x,
          y: scale * source.y,
          z: source.is3D ? scale * source.z : null,
          m: source.isMeasured ? scale * source.m : null,
        ) as T;