GeoPoint3m class

An immutable geographic position with longitude, latitude, elev and m.



GeoPoint3m({required double lon, required double lat, double elev = 0.0, double m = 0.0})
A geographic position from lon, lat, elev and m.
GeoPoint3m.create({required num x, required num y, num? z, num? m})
A point from parameters compatible with CreatePosition function type.
GeoPoint3m.from(Iterable<num> coords, {int? offset})
A geographic position from coords, given in order: lon, lat, elev, m.
GeoPoint3m.fromText(String text, {Pattern? delimiter})
A point parsed from text with coords given in order: lon, lat, elev, m.
GeoPoint3m.latLonElevM(double lat, double lon, double elev, double m)
A geographic position, coordinates in order lat, lon, elev, m.
GeoPoint3m.lonLatElevM(double lon, double lat, double elev, double m)
A geographic position, coordinates in order lon, lat, elev, m.
A geographic position at the origin (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0).
GeoPoint3m.parse(String text, {ParseCoords? parser})
A point parsed from text with coordinates in order: lon, lat, elev, m.


bounds Bounds<Point<num>>?
The bounds for this object (could be calculated if not explicitely set).
no setterinherited
boundsExplicit Bounds<Point<num>>?
The explicit bounds for this object when available.
no setterinherited
coordinateDimension int
The number of coordinate values (2, 3 or 4).
no setteroverride
dimension int
The topological dimension of this geometry.
no setterinherited
elev double
The elevation (or altitude) coordinate in meters.
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
is3D bool
True for 3D positions (with z or elevation coordinate).
no setterinherited
isEmpty bool
True if this geometry is considered empty without data or coordinates.
no setterinherited
isGeographic bool
True for geographic coordinates (with longitude and latitude).
no setterinherited
isMeasured bool
True if a measure value is available (or the m coordinate for a position).
no setteroverride
isNotEmpty bool
True if this geometry is NOT considered empty without data or coordinates.
no setterinherited
lat double
The latitude coordinate.
lon double
The longitude coordinate.
m double
The m ("measure") coordinate value. Returns zero if not available.
onePoint Point<num>?
Returns one of points contained by this geometry if it's not empty.
no setterinherited
optElev double?
The elevation (or altitude) coordinate optionally in meters.
no setterinherited
optM double?
The m ("measure") coordinate optionally. Returns null if not available.
no setteroverride
optZ double?
The z coordinate value optionally. Returns null if not available.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
spatialDimension int
The number of spatial coordinate values (2 for 2D or 3 for 3D).
no setterinherited
type Coords
The coordinate type.
no setteroverride
typeGeom Geom
The type of this geometry.
no setterinherited
values List<double>
Returns coordinate values of this point as a fixed length list.
no setterinherited
x double
The x coordinate value.
no setterinherited
y double
The y coordinate value.
no setterinherited
z double
The z coordinate value. Returns zero if not available.
no setterinherited


copyTo<R extends Position>(CreatePosition<R> factory) → R
Copies this position to a new position created by the factory.
copyWith({num? x, num? y, num? z, num? m}) GeoPoint3m
Copies this point with the compatible type and sets given coordinates.
distanceTo(GeoPoint other) double
Distance (in meters) to another geographic point.
equals2D(Position other, {num? toleranceHoriz}) bool
True if this position equals with other by testing 2D coordinates only.
equals3D(Position other, {num? toleranceHoriz, num? toleranceVert}) bool
True if this position equals with other by testing 3D coordinates only.
newFrom(Iterable<num> coords, {int? offset, int? length}) GeoPoint3m
Creates a new point instance of a type compatible with this object.
newWith({num x = 0.0, num y = 0.0, num? z, num? m}) GeoPoint3m
Creates a new point instance of a type compatible with this object.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
project<R extends Point<num>>(Projection projection, {required CreatePosition<R> to}) → R
Returns a new point projected from this point using projection.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
toStringAs({TextWriterFormat<GeometryContent> format = DefaultFormat.geometry, int? decimals}) String
A string representation of this geometry, with format applied.
transform(TransformPosition transform) GeoPoint3m
Returns a new point transformed from this point using transform.
valuesAsString({String delimiter = ',', int? decimals}) String
A string representation of coordinate values separated by delimiter.
writeTo(SimpleGeometryContent writer) → void
Writes this geometry object to writer.
writeValues(StringSink buffer, {String delimiter = ',', int? decimals}) → void
Writes coordinate values to buffer separated by delimiter.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.
operator [](int i) double
A coordinate value by the coordinate axis index i.

Static Methods

tryParse(String text, {ParseCoords? parser}) GeoPoint3m?
A point parsed from text with coordinates in order: lon, lat, elev, m.


coordinates → const PointFactory<GeoPoint3m>
A PointFactory creating GeoPoint3m instances.