SimpleGeometryContent class abstract

An interface to write simple geometry data to format encoders and object builders.

This interface supports following "simple" geometry types introduced in the Simple Feature Access - Part 1: Common Architecture standard by The Open Geospatial Consortium: point, lineString, polygon, multiPoint, multiLineString and multiPolygon. It the context of this package the type geometryCollection is not consider "simple", see GeometryContent for it's implementation. It's possible that in future versions other geometry types are added.

Coordinate positions, position arrays and bounding boxes are represented as coordinate value arrays of Iterable<double>.




hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


emptyGeometry(Geom type, {String? name}) → void
Writes an empty geometry of type.
lineString(Iterable<double> chain, {required Coords type, String? name, Iterable<double>? bounds}) → void
Writes a line string geometry with a chain of positions.
multiLineString(Iterable<Iterable<double>> lineStrings, {required Coords type, String? name, Iterable<double>? bounds}) → void
Writes a multi line string with an array of lineStrings (each with a chain of positions).
multiPoint(Iterable<Iterable<double>> points, {required Coords type, String? name, Iterable<double>? bounds}) → void
Writes a multi point geometry with an array of points (each with a position).
multiPolygon(Iterable<Iterable<Iterable<double>>> polygons, {required Coords type, String? name, Iterable<double>? bounds}) → void
Writes a multi polygon with an array of polygons (each with an array of rings).
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
point(Iterable<double> position, {Coords? type, String? name}) → void
Writes a point geometry with position.
polygon(Iterable<Iterable<double>> rings, {required Coords type, String? name, Iterable<double>? bounds}) → void
Writes a polygon geometry with one exterior and 0 to N interior rings.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.