coordinates library

Projected and geographic coordinates, and basic transforms.

This library exports also all classes of package:geocore/base.dart.

Usage: import package:geocore/coordinates.dart


A base interface for classes that know their bounds.
BoundedSeries<E extends Bounded>
A base interface for a series (list) of bounded items of type E.
Bounds<T extends Point<num>>
A base interface for bounds (aka a bounding box in 2D).
BoundsBase<T extends Point<num>>
An immutable bounds with min and max points for limits.
A base interface for axis-aligned bounding boxes with min & max coordinates.
CastingPointFactory<T extends Point<num>>
A PointFactory that casts points created by _wrapped to the type T.
CoordinateFactory<T extends Bounded>
An interface to create Bounded instances of the type T.
GeoBounds<T extends GeoPoint>
An immutable geographic bounds with min and max points for limits.
A base interface for geometry classes.
A geographic position with longitude, latitude and optional elevation.
An immutable geographic position with longitude and latitude.
An immutable geographic position with longitude, latitude and m (measure).
An immutable geographic position with longitude, latitude and elevation.
An immutable geographic position with longitude, latitude, elev and m.
GeoPointWrapper<T extends GeoPoint>
A geographic position with wrapping a GeoPoint instance.
Point<C extends num>
Point is a read-only position with x, y, z and m coordinates.
An immutable point with X and Y as num values.
An immutable point with X and Y as integer values.
An immutable point with X, Y and M as num values.
An immutable point with X, Y and Z as num values.
An immutable point with X, Y and Z as integer values.
An immutable point with X, Y, Z and M as num values.
PointFactory<T extends Point<num>>
An interface to create Point instances of the type T.
PointSeries<E extends Point<num>>
A base interface for a series of points with getters to access point items.
PointWrapper<T extends Point<C>, C extends num>
A point with getters to access the wrapped point.
A base interface for geospatial positions.
ProjectedPoint<C extends num>
A read-only projected (or cartesian) point with x, y, z and m.


An enum for coordinate types (by spatial dimension and whether is measured).


PointSeriesMixin<E extends Point<num>>
A partial implementation of PointSeries as a mixin.
A mixin defining an interface for (geospatial) projections.


rotatePosition2D(num radians, {num? cx, num? cy}) TransformPosition
Returns a function to rotate positions by the radians around the origin.
scalePosition<C extends num>({C? sx, C? sy, C? sz, C? sm}) TransformPosition
Returns a function to scale positions by scale factors for each axis.
scalePositionBy<C extends num>(C scale) TransformPosition
Returns a function to scale positions by the scale factor.
translatePosition<C extends num>({C? dx, C? dy, C? dz, C? dm}) TransformPosition
Returns a function to translate positions by delta values of each axis.


CreatePosition<T extends Position> = T Function({num? m, required num x, required num y, num? z})
Creates a new position of T from x and y, and optional z and m.
ParseCoords = Iterable<num> Function(String text)
A function to parse coordinate values from text.
ParseCoordsInt = Iterable<int> Function(String text)
A function to parse coordinate values as integers from text.
ParseCoordsList = Iterable<Iterable<num>> Function(String text)
A function to parse a list of coordinate values from text.
ParseCoordsListList = Iterable<Iterable<Iterable<num>>> Function(String text)
A function to parse a list of a list of coordinate values from text.
ParseCoordsListListList = Iterable<Iterable<Iterable<Iterable<num>>>> Function(String text)
A function to parse a list of a list of a list of coordinates from text.
TransformPosition = T Function<T extends Position>(T source)
A function to transform the source position of T to a position of T.