IOOption<R> class final

IOOption<R> represents an synchronous computation that may fails yielding a None or returns a Some(R) when successful.

If you want to represent an synchronous computation that never fails, see IO.

If you want to represent an synchronous computation that returns an object when it fails, see IOEither.

Mixed-in types


IOOption(Option<R> _run())
Build a IOOption from a function returning a Option<R>.
IOOption.Do(DoFunctionIOOption<R> f)
Initialize a Do Notation chain.
IOOption.flatten(IOOption<IOOption<R>> ioOption)
Flat a IOOption contained inside another IOOption to be a single IOOption.
IOOption.fromNullable(R? r)
If r is null, then return None. Otherwise return Right(r).
IOOption.fromPredicate(R value, bool predicate(R a))
When calling predicate with value returns true, then running IOOption returns Some(value). Otherwise return None.
Build a IOOption that returns a None.
IOOption.of(R r)
Build a IOOption that returns a Some(r).
IOOption.some(R r)
Build a IOOption that returns a Some(r).
IOOption.tryCatch(R run())
Converts a function that may throw to a function that never throws but returns a Option instead.


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


alt(covariant IOOption<R> orElse()) IOOption<R>
When this IOOption returns Some, then return the current IOOption. Otherwise return the result of orElse.
andThen<C>(covariant IOOption<C> then()) IOOption<C>
If running this IOOption returns Some, then return the result of calling then. Otherwise return None.
ap<C>(covariant IOOption<C Function(R r)> a) IOOption<C>
Apply the function contained inside a to change the value on the Some from type R to a value of type C.
call<B>(covariant IOOption<B> chain) IOOption<B>
Chain multiple IOOption functions.
chainFirst<B>(covariant Monad<_IOOptionHKT, B> chain(R a)) HKT<_IOOptionHKT, R>
flatMap<C>(covariant IOOption<C> f(R r)) IOOption<C>
Used to chain multiple functions that return a IOOption.
getOrElse(R orElse()) IO<R>
Extract the result of this IOOption into a IO.
map<C>(C f(R r)) IOOption<C>
If running this IOOption returns Some, then change its value from type R to type C using function f.
map2<C, D>(covariant IOOption<C> m1, D f(R b, C c)) IOOption<D>
Change the return type of this IOOption based on its value of type R and the value of type C of another IOOption.
map3<C, D, E>(covariant IOOption<C> m1, covariant IOOption<D> m2, E f(R b, C c, D d)) IOOption<E>
Change the return type of this IOOption based on its value of type R, the value of type C of a second IOOption, and the value of type D of a third IOOption.
match<A>(A onNone(), A onSome(R r)) IO<A>
Pattern matching to convert a IOOption to a IO.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
orElse<TL>(IOOption<R> orElse()) IOOption<R>
When this IOOption returns a None then return the result of orElse. Otherwise return this IOOption.
pure<C>(C c) IOOption<C>
Returns a IOOption that returns Some(c).
run() Option<R>
Run the IO and return a Option<R>.
toIOEither<L>(L onNone()) IOEither<L, R>
Convert this IOOption to IOEither.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
toTaskEither<L>(L onNone()) TaskEither<L, R>
Convert this IOOption to TaskEither.
toTaskOption<L>() TaskOption<R>
Convert this IOOption to TaskOption.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

fromEither<L, R>(Either<L, R> either) IOOption<R>
Build a IOOption from either that returns None when either is Left, otherwise it returns Some.
sequenceList<A>(List<IOOption<A>> list) IOOption<List<A>>
Convert a List<IOOption<A>> to a single IOOption<List<A>>.
traverseList<A, B>(List<A> list, IOOption<B> f(A a)) IOOption<List<B>>
Map each element in the list to a IOOption using the function f, and collect the result in an IOOption<List<B>>.
traverseListWithIndex<A, B>(List<A> list, IOOption<B> f(A a, int i)) IOOption<List<B>>
Map each element in the list to a IOOption using the function f, and collect the result in an IOOption<List<B>>.
tryCatchK<R, A>(R run(A a)) IOOption<R> Function(A a)
Converts a function that may throw to a function that never throws but returns a Option instead.