CompanionPresenterFeatures<A extends FormStateAdapter> class abstract

Defines overridable CompanionPresenterMixin subtype specific features.

CompanionPresenterMixin users, mainly sub-mixin-type implementation, can call methods in this class via CompanionPresenterMixinExtension's extension methods instead of calling methods of this class directly.

form_companion_presenter uses template method pattern to allow developers extend features of CompanionPresenterMixin, but in dart, this is hard to avoid method conflict between methods which were added by such subtypes's developers or application developers who mix-ins the mixin type, because dart does not provide method overloading and method hiding either. So, form_companion_presenter separates template methods for sub-mixin-type developers to allow override the methods to change default behavior and providing implementation of abstract methods like maybeFormStateOf.


Initializes a new CompanionPresenterFeatures instance.


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


buildOnAsyncValidationCompleted(String name, BuildContext context) AsyncValidationCompletionCallback
Returns completion logic when any async validation is completed.
getAsyncValidationFailureMessage(AsyncError error, Locale locale) String
Returns a validation error message which is shown when the async validator failed to complete with an exception or an error.
getLocale(BuildContext context) Locale
Gets current Locale for current BuildContext.
handleCanceledAsyncValidationError(AsyncError error) → void
This method will be called when pending async validation is canceled but the operation throws AsyncError.
maybeFormStateOf(BuildContext context) FormStateAdapter?
Gets the ancestor FormState like state from specified BuildContext, and wraps it to FormStateAdapter.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
restoreField(BuildContext context, String name, Object? value, {required bool hasError}) → void
Do validation the FormField for specified name.
saveFields(A formState) → void
Performs saving of form fields.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.