CompanionPresenterMixinExtension extension

Provides helper methods of CompanionPresenterMixin.

By extracting helper methods as extension methods, presenter developers always add their application methods regardless warrying about method conflict in future which caused by version up of form_companion_presenter.



buildOnAsyncValidationCompleted(String name, BuildContext context) AsyncValidationCompletionCallback
Returns completion logic when any async validation is completed.
formStateOf(BuildContext context) FormStateAdapter
Gets the ancestor FormState like state from specified BuildContext, and wraps it to FormStateAdapter.
getLocale(BuildContext context) Locale
Gets current Locale for current BuildContext.
handleCanceledAsyncValidationError(AsyncError error) → void
This method will be called when pending async validation is canceled but the operation throws AsyncError.
maybeFormStateOf(BuildContext context) FormStateAdapter?
Gets the ancestor FormState like state from specified BuildContext, and wraps it to FormStateAdapter.
saveFields(FormStateAdapter formState) → void
Performs saving of form fields.
validateAll(FormStateAdapter formState) FutureOr<bool>
Do validation for all fields with their all validators including asynchronous ones, and returns FutureOr to await asynchronous validations.
validateAndSave(FormStateAdapter formState) Future<bool>
Validates all fields' values and then saves them if there is no validation errors.