AppStateX<T extends StatefulWidget> class Get started StateX class AppState class Error handling

The View for the app. The 'look and feel' for the whole app.


Implemented types
Mixed-in types


AppStateX({Key? key, Widget? home, AppStateXController? controller, List<StateXController>? controllers, Object? object, bool? notifyClientsInBuild, MaterialApp? materialApp, CupertinoApp? cupertinoApp, RouteInformationProvider? routeInformationProvider, RouteInformationParser<Object>? routeInformationParser, RouterDelegate<Object>? routerDelegate, bool? useRouterConfig, RouterConfig<Object>? routerConfig, BackButtonDispatcher? backButtonDispatcher, GlobalKey<ScaffoldMessengerState>? scaffoldMessengerKey, Map<String, WidgetBuilder>? routes, String? initialRoute, Route? onGenerateRoute(RouteSettings settings)?, Route? onUnknownRoute(RouteSettings settings)?, bool onNavigationNotification(NavigationNotification notification)?, GlobalKey<NavigatorState>? navigatorKey, List<NavigatorObserver>? navigatorObservers, TransitionBuilder? builder, String? title, String onGenerateTitle(BuildContext context)?, Color? color, bool? allowChangeTheme, ThemeData? theme, CupertinoThemeData? iOSTheme, ThemeData? darkTheme, ThemeData? highContrastTheme, ThemeData? highContrastDarkTheme, ThemeMode? themeMode, Duration? themeAnimationDuration, Curve? themeAnimationCurve, bool? allowChangeLocale, Locale? locale, Iterable<LocalizationsDelegate>? localizationsDelegates, LocaleListResolutionCallback? localeListResolutionCallback, LocaleResolutionCallback? localeResolutionCallback, List<Locale>? supportedLocales, bool? useMaterial, bool? useCupertino, bool? switchUI, bool? allowChangeUI, bool? debugShowMaterialGrid, bool? showPerformanceOverlay, bool? checkerboardRasterCacheImages, bool? checkerboardOffscreenLayers, bool? showSemanticsDebugger, bool? debugShowCheckedModeBanner, bool? debugShowWidgetInspector, bool? debugPaintSizeEnabled, bool? debugPaintBaselinesEnabled, bool? debugPaintPointersEnabled, bool? debugPaintLayerBordersEnabled, bool? debugRepaintRainbowEnabled, bool? debugRepaintTextRainbowEnabled, bool? debugPrintRebuildDirtyWidgets, void debugOnRebuildDirtyWidget(Element e, bool builtOnce)?, bool? debugPrintBuildScope, bool? debugPrintScheduleBuildForStacks, bool? debugPrintGlobalKeyedWidgetLifecycle, bool? debugProfileBuildsEnabled, bool? debugProfileBuildsEnabledUserWidgets, bool? debugEnhanceBuildTimelineArguments, bool? debugHighlightDeprecatedWidgets, Map<LogicalKeySet, Intent>? shortcuts, Map<Type, Action<Intent>>? actions, String? restorationScopeId, ScrollBehavior? scrollBehavior, AnimationStyle? themeAnimationStyle, FlutterExceptionHandler? errorHandler, ErrorWidgetBuilder? errorScreen, ReportErrorHandler? errorReport, void inErrorHandler(FlutterErrorDetails details)?, ErrorWidgetBuilder? inErrorScreen, Future<void> inErrorReport(Object exception, StackTrace stack)?, bool? presentError, void inInitState()?, Future<bool> inInitAsync()?, void inCatchAsyncError(Object error)?, void inAsyncError(Object error)?, Widget inHome()?, RouteInformationProvider inRouteInformationProvider()?, RouteInformationParser<Object> inRouteInformationParser()?, RouterDelegate<Object> inRouterDelegate()?, RouterConfig<Object>? inRouterConfig()?, BackButtonDispatcher inBackButtonDispatcher()?, Map<String, WidgetBuilder> inRoutes()?, String inInitialRoute()?, List<NavigatorObserver> inNavigatorObservers()?, bool inUpdateShouldNotify(InheritedWidget oldWidget)?, TransitionBuilder inTransBuilder()?, String inTitle()?, GenerateAppTitle? inGenerateTitle, ThemeData? inTheme()?, CupertinoThemeData? iniOSTheme()?, ThemeData? inDarkTheme()?, ThemeData? inHighContrastTheme()?, ThemeData? inHighContrastDarkTheme()?, ThemeMode? inThemeMode()?, Duration? inThemeAnimationDuration()?, Curve? inThemeAnimationCurve()?, Color? inColor()?, Locale? inLocale()?, Iterable<LocalizationsDelegate> inLocalizationsDelegates()?, LocaleListResolutionCallback? inLocaleListResolutionCallback, LocaleResolutionCallback? inLocaleResolutionCallback, List<Locale>? inSupportedLocales()?, bool? inDebugShowMaterialGrid()?, bool? inShowPerformanceOverlay()?, bool? inCheckerboardRasterCacheImages()?, bool? inCheckerboardOffscreenLayers()?, bool? inShowSemanticsDebugger()?, bool? inDebugShowCheckedModeBanner()?, Map<LogicalKeySet, Intent>? inShortcuts()?, Map<Type, Action<Intent>>? inActions()?, String? inRestorationScopeId()?, ScrollBehavior? inScrollBehavior()?, AnimationStyle? inThemeAnimationStyle()?})
Provide a huge array of options and features to the 'App State object.'


allowChangeLocale bool
Allow the app directly change the Locale
no setter
allowChangeTheme bool
Allow the app to change the theme
no setter
allowChangeUI bool
Allow the app to directly change the UI design
no setter
app AppObject?
Reference to the 'app' object.
getter/setter pair
appInApp bool
This App is within another App
getter/setter pair
appNavigator NavigatorState?
Supply app's NavigatorState object
getter/setter pairinherited
builderOverridden bool
A flag. Note if builder() function was overridden or not.
no setterinherited
buildFOverridden bool
A flag. Note if buildF() function was overridden or not.
no setterinherited
buildOverridden bool
A flag noting if the build() function was overridden or not.
no setterinherited
context BuildContext
The location in the tree where this widget builds.
no setterinherited
controller → StateXController?
Provide the 'main' controller to this 'State View.' If _controller == null, get the 'first assigned' controller if any.
no setterinherited
controllerList List<StateXController>
Supply a public list of all the Controllers.
no setterinherited
cupertinoApp CupertinoApp?
getter/setter pairinherited
dataObject Object?
This is of type Object allowing you to propagate any class object you wish down the widget tree.
getter/setter pairinherited
deactivated bool
State object's deactivated() was called.
no setterinherited
debugEnhanceBuildTimelineArguments bool
Adds debugging information to 'Timeline' events related to Widget builds.
getter/setter pairinherited
debugHighlightDeprecatedWidgets bool
Show banners for deprecated widgets.
getter/setter pairinherited
debugOnRebuildDirtyWidget ↔ void Function(Element e, bool builtOnce)?
Callback invoked for every dirty widget built each frame.
getter/setter pairinherited
debugPaintBaselinesEnabled bool
getter/setter pairinherited
debugPaintLayerBordersEnabled bool
getter/setter pairinherited
debugPaintPointersEnabled bool
getter/setter pairinherited
debugPaintSizeEnabled bool
Highlights UI while debugging.
getter/setter pairinherited
debugPrintBuildScope bool
Log all calls to BuildOwner.buildScope.
getter/setter pairinherited
debugPrintGlobalKeyedWidgetLifecycle bool
Log when widgets with global keys are deactivated and log when they are reactivated (retaken).
getter/setter pairinherited
debugPrintRebuildDirtyWidgets bool
Log the dirty widgets that are built each frame.
getter/setter pairinherited
debugPrintScheduleBuildForStacks bool
Log the call stacks that mark widgets as needing to be rebuilt.
getter/setter pairinherited
debugProfileBuildsEnabled bool
Adds 'Timeline' events for every Widget built.
getter/setter pairinherited
debugProfileBuildsEnabledUserWidgets bool
Adds 'Timeline' events for every user-created Widget built.
getter/setter pairinherited
debugRepaintRainbowEnabled bool
getter/setter pairinherited
debugRepaintTextRainbowEnabled bool
getter/setter pairinherited
detachedAppLifecycle bool
State object was in 'paused' state
no setterinherited
disposed bool
Flag indicating this State object is disposed. Will be garbage collected. property, mounted, is then set to false.
no setterinherited
errorHandler FlutterExceptionHandler?
getter/setter pairinherited
errorMsg String
no setterinherited
errorReport ReportErrorHandler?
getter/setter pairinherited
errorScreen ErrorWidgetBuilder?
getter/setter pairinherited
errorStateName String
The name of the State object experiencing an error
no setterinherited
exceptionMessage String
Simply display the exception.
no setterinherited
firstCon → StateXController?
Returns 'the first' StateXController associated with this StateX object. Returns null if empty.
no setterinherited
firstState → StateX<StatefulWidget>?
Return the first State object
no setterinherited
hadSystemEvent bool
State object experienced a system event
no setterinherited
hasError bool
Indicate if an exception had occurred.
no setterinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
hiddenAppLifecycle bool
State object was in a 'hidden' state
no setterinherited
identifier String
The unique identifier for this State object.
no setterinherited
inActions Map<Type, Action<Intent>>? Function()?
Returns Map of 'Intent Actions' if any.
inactiveAppLifecycle bool
State object was in 'inactive' state
no setterinherited
inAsyncError → void Function(Object error)?
Returns the App's 'Async Error Handler' if any.
inBackButtonDispatcher BackButtonDispatcher Function()?
Returns the 'Back Button' routine if any.
inCatchAsyncError → void Function(Object error)?
Catch initAsync() error
inCheckerboardOffscreenLayers bool? Function()?
Returns 'Off Screen Layers Checkerboard' boolean indicator if any.
inCheckerboardRasterCacheImages bool? Function()?
Returns 'Raster Cache Checkerboard' boolean indicator if any.
inColor Color? Function()?
Returns the App's Color if any.
inDarkTheme ThemeData? Function()?
Returns the App's 'Dark Theme' ThemeData if any.
inDebugMode bool
Determines if running in an IDE or in production. Returns true if the App is under in the Debugger and not production.
no setterinherited
inDebugShowCheckedModeBanner bool? Function()?
Returns 'Show Debug Banner' boolean indicator if any.
inDebugShowMaterialGrid bool? Function()?
Returns 'Show Material Grid' boolean indicator if any.
inDebugShowWidgetInspector bool? Function()?
Returns 'Show Debug Widget Inspector' boolean indicator if any.
inErrorHandler → void Function(FlutterErrorDetails details)?
inErrorReport Future<void> Function(Object exception, StackTrace stack)?
inErrorRoutine bool
A flag indicating we're running in the error routine.
getter/setter pairinherited
inErrorScreen ErrorWidgetBuilder?
inGenerateTitle GenerateAppTitle?
Returns the 'Generate Title' routine if any.
inHighContrastDarkTheme ThemeData? Function()?
Returns the App's 'High Contrast Dark Theme' ThemeData if any.
inHighContrastTheme ThemeData? Function()?
Returns the App's 'High Contrast Theme' ThemeData if any.
inHome Widget Function()?
Returns the home screen if any.
inInitAsync Future<bool> Function()?
Perform asynchronous operations
inInitialRoute String Function()?
Returns the initial Route if any.
inInitState → void Function()?
Perform synchronous initialization
iniOSTheme CupertinoThemeData? Function()?
Returns the App's CupertinoThemeData if any.
inLocale Locale? Function()?
Returns current Locale if any.
inLocaleListResolutionCallback LocaleListResolutionCallback?
Returns 'Locale Resolutions' routine if any.
inLocaleResolutionCallback LocaleResolutionCallback?
Returns 'Local Resolution' routine if any.
inLocalizationsDelegates Iterable<LocalizationsDelegate> Function()?
Returns the 'Localization Delegates' if any.
inNavigatorObservers List<NavigatorObserver> Function()?
Returns a List of Navigation Observers if any.
inRestorationScopeId String? Function()?
Returns the 'Restore Scope Id' routine if any.
inRouteInformationParser RouteInformationParser<Object> Function()?
Returns the Route Parser if any.
inRouteInformationProvider RouteInformationProvider Function()?
Returns the Route Provider if any.
inRouterConfig RouterConfig<Object>? Function()?
Returns the Route Config if any.
inRouterDelegate RouterDelegate<Object> Function()?
Returns the Route Delegate if any.
inRoutes Map<String, WidgetBuilder> Function()?
Returns a Map of Routes if any.
inScrollBehavior ScrollBehavior? Function()?
Returns the App's ScrollBehavior if any.
inShortcuts Map<LogicalKeySet, Intent>? Function()?
Returns Map of 'LogicalKeySets' if any.
inShowPerformanceOverlay bool? Function()?
Returns 'Show Performance Overlay' boolean indicator if any.
inShowSemanticsDebugger bool? Function()?
Returns 'Show Semantics' boolean indicator if any.
inSupportedLocales List<Locale>? Function()?
Returns the Locale Iteration if any.
inTheme ThemeData? Function()?
Returns the App's ThemeData if any.
inThemeAnimationCurve Curve? Function()?
The curve to apply when animating theme changes.
inThemeAnimationDuration Duration? Function()?
The duration of animated theme changes.
inThemeAnimationStyle AnimationStyle? Function()?
Used to override the theme animation curve and duration.
inThemeMode ThemeMode? Function()?
Returns the App's ThemeMode if any.
inTitle String Function()?
Returns the App's title if any.
inTransBuilder TransitionBuilder Function()?
Returns the 'Transition Builder' if any.
inUpdateShouldNotify bool Function(InheritedWidget oldWidget)?
Should update the built-in InheritedWidget's dependencies
isLastState bool
This is the 'latest' State being viewed by the App.
no setterinherited
key Key
The 'App State Objects' Key
no setter
lastCon → StateXController?
Returns 'the last' StateXController associated with this StateX object. Returns null if empty.
no setterinherited
lastContext BuildContext?
Returns the 'latest' context in the App.
no setterinherited
lastFlutterErrorDetails FlutterErrorDetails?
Supply the last Flutter Error Details if any.
no setterinherited
lastFlutterErrorMessage String
Return the message of th 'last' Flutter Error if any.
no setterinherited
lastState → StateX<StatefulWidget>?
Return the 'latest' State object
no setterinherited
locale Locale?
getter/setter pairinherited
materialApp MaterialApp?
The MaterialApp and CupertinoApp if provided.
getter/setter pairinherited
maxMobileWidth double
The breakpoint used to determine whether the device is a mobile device or a tablet.
no setter
maxTabletWidth double?
The breakpoint used to determine whether the device is a tablet or a desktop.
no setter
mounted bool
Whether this State object is currently in a tree.
no setterinherited
Use this to navigate throughout the your app
no setterinherited
The Navigator State Key
no setterinherited
parentState State<StatefulWidget>?
Reference the 'parent' State object
getter/setter pair
pausedAppLifecycle bool
State object was in 'paused' state
no setterinherited
presentError bool?
getter/setter pairinherited
printEvents bool
Implement builder() function in your StateX class instead of build() to use the built-in FutureBuilder Widget and built-in InheritedWidget.
no setterinherited
resumedAppLifecycle bool
State object was in 'resumed' state
no setterinherited
rootCon → StateXController?
Returns 'the first' StateXController associated with this StateX object. Returns null if empty.
no setterinherited
rootState → AppStateX<StatefulWidget>?
Returns the 'first' StateX object in the App
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
scaffoldMessengerKey GlobalKey<ScaffoldMessengerState>?
no setterinherited
snapshot AsyncSnapshot<bool>?
Supply the AsyncSnapshot
no setterinherited
stackTrace StackTrace?
The StackTrace
no setterinherited
supportedLocales List<Locale>
no setterinherited
switchUI bool
Use Cupertino UI in Android and vice versa.
no setter
title String
no setterinherited
useCupertino bool
Explicitly use the Cupertino theme
no setter
useInherited bool
A flag determining whether the built-in InheritedWidget is used or not.
no setterinherited
useMaterial bool
Explicitly use the Material theme
no setter
usingCupertino bool
Is the CupertinoApp being used?
no setterinherited
widget → T
You need to be able access the widget.
no setteroverride


activate() → void
Called when this object is reinserted into the tree after having been removed via deactivate.
add(StateXController? con) String
Collect a 'StateXController' Returns the StateXController's unique identifier.
addList(List<StateXController>? list) List<String>
Collect a list of 'Controllers'.
build(BuildContext context) Widget
Override build to avoid the built-in Future Builder.
buildApp(AppStateX<StatefulWidget>? appState) Widget?
Supply the App widget if you wish.
builder(BuildContext context) Widget
Use this function instead of the build() function
buildF(BuildContext context) Widget
Implement this function instead of the build() function to utilize a built-in FutureBuilder Widget.
canPop() bool
Whether the navigator can be popped.
catchAsyncError(Object error) → void
Catch it if the initAsync() throws an error The FutureBuilder will fail, but you can examine the error
catchError(Exception? ex, {StackTrace? stack, String? library, DiagnosticsNode? context, IterableFilter<String>? stackFilter, InformationCollector? informationCollector, bool? silent}) → void
Catch and explicitly handle the error.
changeUI(String? ui) bool
Explicitly change to a particular interface.
contains(StateXController con) bool
Returns true if found.
containsId(String? id) bool
Returns true if the specified 'StateXController' is associated with this StateX object.
containsType<T>() bool
Returns true if found
controllerById(String? id) → StateXController?
Retrieve a StateXController by its a unique String identifier.
controllerByType<U extends StateXController>() → U?
Retrieve a StateXController by type.
deactivate() → void
The framework calls this method whenever it removes this StateX object from the tree. In many cases, it is about to be 'disposed of'.
debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) → void
Add additional properties associated with the node.
dependOnInheritedWidget(BuildContext? context) bool
Set the specified widget (through its context) as a dependent of the InheritedWidget
detachedAppLifecycleState() → void
Calls the deactivate() and dispose() functions in all the app's StateX class objects It's success will depending on the hosting operating system:
didChangeAccessibilityFeatures() → void
Called when the system changes the set of currently active accessibility features.
didChangeAppLifecycleState(AppLifecycleState lifecycleState) → void
Called when the system puts the app in the background or returns the app to the foreground.
didChangeDependencies() → void
This method is also called immediately after initState. Otherwise called only if this State object's Widget is a dependency of InheritedWidget. When a InheritedWidget's build() function is called the dependent widget's build() function is also called but not before their didChangeDependencies() function. Subclasses rarely use this method.
didChangeLocales(List<Locale>? locales) → void
Called when the system tells the app that the user's locale has changed. For example, if the user changes the system language settings.
didChangeMetrics() → void
Called when the application's dimensions change. For example, when a phone is rotated.
didChangePlatformBrightness() → void
Called when the platform brightness changes.
didChangeTextScaleFactor() → void
Called when the platform's text scale factor changes.
didChangeViewFocus(ViewFocusEvent event) → void
Called whenever the PlatformDispatcher receives a notification that the focus state on a view has changed.
didHaveMemoryPressure() → void
Called when the system is running low on memory.
didPop() → void
Called when this route has been popped off.
didPopNext() → void
The top route has been popped off, and this route shows up.
didPopRoute() Future<bool>
Called when the system tells the app to pop the current route, such as after a system back button press or back gesture.
didPush() → void
Called when this route has been pushed.
didPushNext() → void
New route has been pushed, and this route is no longer visible.
didPushRoute(String route) Future<bool>
Called when the host tells the application to push a new route onto the navigator.
didPushRouteInformation(RouteInformation routeInformation) Future<bool>
Called when the host tells the application to push a new RouteInformation and a restoration state onto the router.
didRequestAppExit() Future<AppExitResponse>
Called when a request is received from the system to exit the application.
didUpdateController({StateXController? oldCon, StateXController? newCon}) bool
Update the 'first' controller if necessary Place in the didUpdateWidget function in the special case the StatefulWidget supplies the controller: e.g. didUpdateController(oldWidget.controller, widget.controller);
didUpdateWidget(covariant T oldWidget) → void
Override this method to respond when its StatefulWidget is re-created. The framework always calls build after calling didUpdateWidget, which means any calls to setState in didUpdateWidget are redundant.
dispose() → void
Clean up resources before the app is finally terminated.
finalizeRoute(Route route) → void
Complete the lifecycle for a route that has been popped off the navigator.
forEach(void func(StateXController con), {bool? reversed}) bool
To externally 'process' through the controllers. Invokes func on each StateXController possessed by this StateX object. With an option to process in reversed chronological order
forEachState(void func(StateX<StatefulWidget> state), {bool? reversed, StateX<StatefulWidget>? remove}) bool
To externally 'process' through the State objects. Invokes func on each StateX possessed by this StateX object. With an option to process in reversed chronological order
handleCancelBackGesture() → void
Called when a predictive back gesture is canceled, indicating that no navigation should occur.
handleCommitBackGesture() → void
Called when a predictive back gesture is finished successfully, indicating that the current route should be popped.
handleStartBackGesture(PredictiveBackEvent backEvent) bool
Called at the start of a predictive back gesture.
handleUpdateBackGestureProgress(PredictiveBackEvent backEvent) → void
Called when a predictive back gesture moves.
hiddenAppLifecycleState() → void
All views of an application are hidden, either because the application is about to be paused (on iOS and Android), or because it has been minimized or placed on a desktop that is no longer visible (on non-web desktop), or is running in a window or tab that is no longer visible (on the web).
inactiveAppLifecycleState() → void
Apps in this state should assume that they may be pausedAppLifecycleState at any time.
initAsync() Future<bool>
Used to complete asynchronous operations
initState() → void
The traditional initState for the App's first State object
lastFlutterError([FlutterErrorDetails? details]) FlutterErrorDetails?
Record and return details of the 'last' handled error Not, simply retrieving the last error will 'clear' the storage.
listControllers(List<String?>? keys) List<StateXController?>
Returns the list of 'Controllers' but you must know their keys.
listStates(List<String> keys) List<StateX<StatefulWidget>>
Returns a List of StateX objects using unique String identifiers.
logErrorDetails(FlutterErrorDetails details) → void
Logs 'every' error as the error count is reset.
maybePop<T extends Object?>([T? result]) Future<bool>
Consults the current route's Route.popDisposition method, and acts accordingly, potentially popping the route as a result; returns whether the pop request should be considered handled.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
notifyClients() bool
Notify the InheritedWidget's dependencies
onActions() Map<Type, Action<Intent>>?
Returns Map of 'Intent Actions' if any.
onAsyncError(FlutterErrorDetails details) → void
initAsync() has failed and a 'error' widget instead will be displayed. This takes in the snapshot.error details.
onBackButtonDispatcher() BackButtonDispatcher?
Returns the 'Back Button' routine if any.
onBuilder() TransitionBuilder?
Returns the 'Transition Builder' if any.
onCatchAsyncError(Object error) → void
Catch it if the initAsync() throws an error The FutureBuilder will fail, but you can examine the error
onCheckerboardOffscreenLayers() bool?
Returns 'Off Screen Layers Checkerboard' boolean indicator if any.
onCheckerboardRasterCacheImages() bool?
Returns 'Raster Cache Checkerboard' boolean indicator if any.
onColor() Color?
Returns the App's Color if any.
onDarkTheme() ThemeData?
Returns the App's 'Dark Theme' ThemeData if any.
onDebugShowCheckedModeBanner() bool?
Returns 'Show Debug Banner' boolean indicator if any.
onDebugShowMaterialGrid() bool?
Returns 'Show Material Grid' boolean indicator if any.
onDebugShowWidgetInspector() bool?
Returns 'Show Debug Banner' boolean indicator if any.
onError(FlutterErrorDetails details) → void
Supply an 'error handler' routine to fire when an error occurs. Override if you like to customize error handling.
onErrorHandler(FlutterErrorDetails details) → void
Override to provide an 'overall' Error Handler for your app.
onErrorReport(Object exception, StackTrace stack) Future<void>
If there's a error reporting routine available. Override if you like
onErrorScreen(FlutterErrorDetails details) Widget?
The Widget to display when an app's widget fails to display. Override if you like.
onHighContrastDarkTheme() ThemeData?
Returns the App's 'High Contrast Dark Theme' ThemeData if any.
onHighContrastTheme() ThemeData?
Returns the App's 'High Contrast Theme' ThemeData if any.
onHome() Widget?
Returns the home screen if any.
onInitAsync() Future<bool>
Used to complete asynchronous operations
onInitialRoute() String?
Returns the initial Route if any.
oniOSTheme() CupertinoThemeData?
Returns the App's CupertinoThemeData if any.
onLocale() Locale?
Returns current Locale if any.
onLocaleListResolutionCallback(List<Locale>? locales, Iterable<Locale> supportedLocales) Locale?
Returns 'Locale Resolutions' routine if any.
onLocaleResolutionCallback(Locale? locale, Iterable<Locale> supportedLocales) Locale?
Returns 'Local Resolution' routine if any. Turn to the I10n class to provide the locale.
onLocalizationsDelegates() Iterable<LocalizationsDelegate>?
Returns the 'Localization Delegates' if any.
onNavigatorObservers() List<NavigatorObserver>
Returns a List of Navigation Observers if any.
onOnGenerateRoute(RouteSettings settings) Route?
Returns the 'Generate Routes' routine if any.
onOnNavigationNotification(NavigationNotification notification) bool
Called when a navigation event occurs Return true if you deem this change is handled.
onOnUnknownRoute(RouteSettings settings) Route?
Returns the 'Unknown Route' if any.
onRestorationScopeId() String?
Returns the 'Restore Scope Id' routine if any.
onRouteInformationParser() RouteInformationParser<Object>?
Returns the Route Parser if any.
onRouteInformationProvider() RouteInformationProvider?
Returns the Route Provider if any.
onRouterConfig() RouterConfig<Object>?
Returns the Route Config if any.
onRouterDelegate() RouterDelegate<Object>?
Returns the Route Delegate if any.
onRoutes() Map<String, WidgetBuilder>?
Returns a Map of Routes if any.
onScaffoldMessengerKey() GlobalKey<ScaffoldMessengerState>
Returns the App's ScaffoldMessenger Key.
onScrollBehavior() ScrollBehavior?
Returns the App's ScrollBehavior if any.
onShortcuts() Map<LogicalKeySet, Intent>?
Returns Map of 'LogicalKeySets' if any.
onShowPerformanceOverlay() bool?
Returns 'Show Performance Overlay' boolean indicator if any.
onShowSemanticsDebugger() bool?
Returns 'Show Semantics' boolean indicator if any.
onSplashScreen(BuildContext context) Widget?
Supply a 'splash screen' while the FutureBuilder is processing.
onStateError(FlutterErrorDetails details) bool
Call the latest SateX object's error routine Possibly the error occurred there.
onSupportedLocales() List<Locale>?
Returns the Locale Iteration if any.
onTheme() ThemeData?
Returns the App's ThemeData if any.
onThemeAnimationCurve() Curve?
Returns the App's ThemeMode if any.
onThemeAnimationDuration() Duration?
Returns the App's ThemeMode if any.
onThemeAnimationStyle() AnimationStyle?
Used to override the theme animation curve and duration.
onThemeMode() ThemeMode?
Returns the App's ThemeMode if any.
onTitle() String
Returns the App's title if any.
onUpdateShouldNotify(covariant InheritedWidget oldWidget) bool
Should update the built-in InheritedWidget's dependencies
pausedAppLifecycleState() → void
The application is not currently visible to the user, not responding to user input, and running in the background.
pop<T extends Object?>([T? result]) → void
Pop the top-most route off the navigator.
popAndPushNamed<T extends Object?, TO extends Object?>(String routeName, {TO? result, Object? arguments}) Future<T?>
Pop the current route off the navigator and push a named route in its place.
popUntil(RoutePredicate predicate) → void
Calls pop repeatedly until the predicate returns true.
push<T extends Object?>(Route<T> route) Future<T?>
Push the given route onto the navigator.
pushAndRemoveUntil<T extends Object?>(Route<T> newRoute, RoutePredicate predicate) Future<T?>
Push the given route onto the navigator, and then remove all the previous routes until the predicate returns true.
pushNamed<T extends Object?>(String routeName, {Object? arguments}) Future<T?>
Push a named route onto the navigator.
pushNamedAndRemoveUntil<T extends Object?>(String newRouteName, RoutePredicate predicate, {Object? arguments}) Future<T?>
Push the route with the given name onto the navigator, and then remove all the previous routes until the predicate returns true.
pushReplacement<T extends Object?, TO extends Object?>(Route<T> newRoute, {TO? result}) Future<T?>
Replace the current route of the navigator by pushing the given route and then disposing the previous route once the new route has finished animating in.
pushReplacementNamed<T extends Object?, TO extends Object?>(String routeName, {TO? result, Object? arguments}) Future<T?>
Replace the current route of the navigator by pushing the route named routeName and then disposing the previous route once the new route has finished animating in.
reassemble() → void
During development, if a hot reload occurs, the reassemble method is called.
recordException([Object? error, StackTrace? stack]) Exception?
Return the 'last' error if any.
refresh() → void
Rebuild the 'latest/current' State object and the 'root/first' State object This is to address the possibility an App has called another v.App.
reload() → void
Reload the whole App
remove(StateXController? con) bool
Remove a 'StateXController' Returns boolean if successful.
removeByKey(String? id) bool
Remove a specific 'StateXController' by its unique 'key' identifier.
removeRoute(Route route) → void
Immediately remove route from the navigator, and Route.dispose it.
removeRouteBelow(Route anchorRoute) → void
Immediately remove a route from the navigator, and Route.dispose it. The route to be removed is the one below the given anchorRoute.
replace<T extends Object?>({required Route oldRoute, required Route<T> newRoute}) → void
Replaces a route on the navigator that most tightly encloses the given context with a new route.
replaceRouteBelow<T extends Object?>({required Route anchorRoute, required Route<T> newRoute}) → void
Replaces a route on the navigator with a new route. The route to be replaced is the one below the given anchorRoute.
restorablePopAndPushNamed<T extends Object?, TO extends Object?>(String routeName, {TO? result, Object? arguments}) String
Pop the current route off the navigator and push a named route in its place.
restorablePush<T extends Object?>(RestorableRouteBuilder<T> routeBuilder, {Object? arguments}) String
Push a new route onto the navigator.
restorablePushAndRemoveUntil<T extends Object?>(RestorableRouteBuilder<T> newRouteBuilder, RoutePredicate predicate, {Object? arguments}) String
Push a new route onto the navigator, and then remove all the previous routes until the predicate returns true.
restorablePushNamed<T extends Object?>(String routeName, {Object? arguments}) String
Push a named route onto the navigator.
restorablePushNamedAndRemoveUntil<T extends Object?>(String newRouteName, RoutePredicate predicate, {Object? arguments}) String
Push the route with the given name onto the navigator that most tightly encloses the given context, and then remove all the previous routes until the predicate returns true.
restorablePushReplacement<T extends Object?, TO extends Object?>(RestorableRouteBuilder<T> routeBuilder, {TO? result, Object? arguments}) String
Replace the current route of the navigator by pushing a new route and then disposing the previous route once the new route has finished animating in.
restorablePushReplacementNamed<T extends Object?, TO extends Object?>(String routeName, {TO? result, Object? arguments}) String
Replace the current route of the navigator that most tightly encloses the given context by pushing the route named routeName and then disposing the previous route once the new route has finished animating in.
restorableReplace<T extends Object?>({required Route oldRoute, required RestorableRouteBuilder<T> newRouteBuilder, Object? arguments}) String
Replaces a route on the navigator that most tightly encloses the given context with a new route.
restorableReplaceRouteBelow<T extends Object?>({required Route anchorRoute, required RestorableRouteBuilder<T> newRouteBuilder, Object? arguments}) String
Replaces a route on the navigator with a new route. The route to be replaced is the one below the given anchorRoute.
resumedAppLifecycleState() → void
The application is visible and responding to user input.
runInitAsync() bool
Call initAsync() all the time if return true. Conditional calls initAsync() creating a Future with every rebuild
setBuilder(WidgetBuilder? builder) Widget
Called when the State's InheritedWidget is called again This 'widget function' will be called again.
setiOSThemeData(BuildContext context) CupertinoThemeData?
Assigning the Cupertino theme
setRootStateX(StateX<StatefulWidget>? state) bool
Important to record the 'root' StateX object. Its an InheritedWidget!
setState(VoidCallback fn) → void
Calls the State object's setState() function if not (see class SetState).
setThemeData(BuildContext context) ThemeData?
Assigning the Material theme
stateById(String? id) → StateX<StatefulWidget>?
Returns a StateView object using a unique String identifier.
stateByType<T extends StateX<StatefulWidget>>() → T?
Retrieve the State object by type Returns null if not found
statesById(List<String> ids) Map<String, StateX<StatefulWidget>>
Returns a Map of StateView objects using unique String identifiers.
stateSet(WidgetBuilder? builder) Widget
Called when the State's InheritedWidget is called again This 'widget function' will be called again.
statesList({bool? reversed, StateX<StatefulWidget>? remove}) List<StateX<StatefulWidget>>
Return a List of available StateX objects
toDiagnosticsNode({String? name, DiagnosticsTreeStyle? style}) DiagnosticsNode
Returns a debug representation of the object that is used by debugging tools and by DiagnosticsNode.toStringDeep.
toString({DiagnosticLevel minLevel =}) String
A string representation of this object.
toStringShort() String
A brief description of this object, usually just the runtimeType and the hashCode.
updateShouldNotify(covariant InheritedWidget oldWidget) bool
Determine if the dependencies should be updated.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.