onError method
Supply an 'error handler' routine to fire when an error occurs. Override if you like to customize error handling.
// details.exception, details.stack
/// Override if you like to customize error handling.
void onError(FlutterErrorDetails details) {
// Don't call this routine within itself.
if (inErrorRoutine) {
// In case there's an error in this routine
inErrorRoutine = true;
try {
// If handler not explicitly passed as a parameter
var callOriginal = _errorHandler?.errorHandler == null;
if (!callOriginal) {
// Any 'on' Error handler
// It would appear it was not overwritten
callOriginal = callOriginal && !_errorHandlerOverridden;
// No 'in-line' version
callOriginal = callOriginal && inErrorHandler == null;
if (callOriginal) {
} else {
// 'inline function' error handler, takes last precedence.
} catch (e, stack) {
recordException(e, stack);
// Always test if there was an error in the error handler
// Include it in the error reporting as well.
if (hasError) {
// If in testing, after the supplied handler, call its Error handler
// An `Error` is a failure that the programmer should have avoided.
if ((details.exception is TestFailure || details.exception is Error) &&
WidgetsBinding.instance is! WidgetsFlutterBinding) {
inErrorRoutine = false;