FlutterUIModifiersWidget extension

Contains the modifier members of the Widget class.

The reason that FlutterUIModifiersWidget resides inside this file is because it depends on the _rebase() method of FlutterUIModifiersContainer which is fileprivate.



align(Alignment alignment) Widget
A modifier that aligns its widget within itself and optionally sizes itself based on the widget's size.
aspectRatio(double ratio) Widget
A modifier that attempts to size the widget to a specific aspect ratio.
assign(List<Widget> list) Widget
A modifier that assigns its widget to a given List.
backgroundColor(Color color, {bool handover = true}) Widget
A modifier that sets its widget's backgruond color
centered() Widget
A modifier that aligns its widget within itself and optionally sizes itself based on the widget's size.
clipOval({CustomClipper<Rect>? clipper, Clip behavior = Clip.antiAlias}) Widget
A modifier that clips its widget to an oval shape.
clipPath({CustomClipper<Path>? clipper, Clip behavior = Clip.antiAlias}) Widget
A modifier that clips its widget to a path.
clipRect({CustomClipper<Rect>? clipper, Clip behavior = Clip.hardEdge}) Widget
A modifier that clips its widget to a rectangular shape.
corner(double radius, {bool handover = true}) Widget
A modifier that clips its widget's corners to the specified radius.
flex(int? flex) Widget
A modifier that wraps its widget in an Expanded view.
frame({double? width, double? height, bool handover = true}) Widget
A modifier that sets its widget's frame size.
help(String? text, {bool? below}) Widget
A modifier that sets its widget's frame size.
margin({double? all, double? top, double? bottom, double? leading, double? trailing, double? horizontal, double? vertical, bool handover = true}) Widget
A modifier that insets margin around its widget by the given value(s).
offset({double x = 0, double y = 0, bool transformHitTests = true}) Widget
A modifier that translates its widget to the specified offset.
onHover(void event(bool), {bool handover = true}) Widget
A modifier that makes its widget (partially) transparent.
onTap(void event(), {bool handover = true}) Widget
A modifier that makes its widget (partially) transparent.
opacity(double opacity) Widget
A modifier that makes its widget (partially) transparent.
padding({double? all, double? top, double? bottom, double? leading, double? trailing, double? horizontal, double? vertical, bool handover = true}) Widget
A modifier that insets its widget by the given padding.
rotate(double angle) Transform
Creates a modifier that transforms its widget using a rotation around the center.
scale(double scale, {Offset? origin, AlignmentGeometry? alignment, bool transformHitTests = true}) Transform
A modifier that scales its widget uniformly.
shadow(double radius, {Color color = const Color.fromRGBO(0, 0, 0, .5), double blur = 25, double x = 0, double y = 0, bool handover = true}) Widget
A modifier that sets its widget's frame size.
transform(Matrix4 transform, {Offset? origin, AlignmentGeometry? alignment, bool transformHitTests = true}) Transform
A modifier that transforms its widget.