padding method

Widget padding({
  1. double? all,
  2. double? top,
  3. double? bottom,
  4. double? leading,
  5. double? trailing,
  6. double? horizontal,
  7. double? vertical,
  8. bool handover = true,

A modifier that insets its widget by the given padding.


This snippet creates "Hello World!" Text inside a Card that is indented by sixteen pixels in each direction.

  Text('Hello World!')
      .padding(all: 16),


Widget padding({
  double? all,
  double? top,
  double? bottom,
  double? leading,
  double? trailing,
  double? horizontal,
  double? vertical,
  bool handover = true,
}) {
  final insets = _insets(
    all: all,
    top: top,
    bottom: bottom,
    leading: leading,
    trailing: trailing,
    horizontal: horizontal,
    vertical: vertical,
  if (handover && this is Container) {
    return (this as Container)._rebase(padding: insets);
  return Padding(child: this, padding: insets);