MiscellaneousExtensions extension

Random extensions on Widgets.



animatedBuilder({required Listenable listenable, Key? key, Widget? child}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the MiscellaneousExtensions extension

Listens to a Listenable, often an animation, and rebuilds the widget. Identical to listenableBuilder.
form({required GlobalKey<FormState> formKey, Widget? child, AutovalidateMode? autoValidateMode, VoidCallback? onChanged, void onPopInvokedWithResult(bool, Object?)?}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the MiscellaneousExtensions extension

Wraps descendant widgets with a Form widget.
keyBuilder({required Key key}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the MiscellaneousExtensions extension

Adds a key to a widget.
listenableBuilder({required Listenable listenable, Key? key, Widget? child}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the MiscellaneousExtensions extension

Listens to a Listenable and rebuilds the widget when the listener is notified.